COVID-19 lockdown allows researchers to quantify the effects of human activity on wildlife C Rutz, MC Loretto, AE Bates, SC Davidson, CM Duarte, W Jetz, ... Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (9), 1156-1159, 2020 | 666 | 2020 |
Tracking of marine predators to protect Southern Ocean ecosystems MA Hindell, RR Reisinger, Y Ropert-Coudert, LA Hückstädt, PN Trathan, ... Nature 580 (7801), 87-92, 2020 | 270 | 2020 |
Buoyancy and maximal diving depth in penguins: do they control inhaling air volume? K Sato, Y Naito, A Kato, Y Niizuma, Y Watanuki, JB Charrassin, CA Bost, ... Journal of Experimental Biology 205 (9), 1189-1197, 2002 | 245 | 2002 |
A new technique for monitoring the detailed behaviour of terrestrial animals: a case study with the domestic cat S Watanabe, M Izawa, A Kato, Y Ropert-Coudert, Y Naito Applied Animal Behaviour Science 94 (1-2), 117-131, 2005 | 207 | 2005 |
Important marine habitat off east Antarctica revealed by two decades of multi‐species predator tracking B Raymond, MA Lea, T Patterson, V Andrews‐Goff, R Sharples, ... Ecography 38 (2), 121-129, 2015 | 201 | 2015 |
Decadal-scale changes in the climate and biota of the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, 1950s to the 1990s DG Ainley, ED Clarke, K Arrigo, WR Fraser, A Kato, KJ Barton, PR Wilson Antarctic Science 17 (2), 171-182, 2005 | 191 | 2005 |
A fine-scale time budget of Cape gannets provides insights into the foraging strategies of coastal seabirds Y Ropert-Coudert, D Grémillet, A Kato, PG Ryan, Y Naito, Y Le Maho Animal Behaviour 67 (5), 985-992, 2004 | 180 | 2004 |
Lip-reading in remote subjects: an attempt to quantify and separate ingestion, breathing and vocalisation in free-living animals using penguins as a model R Wilson, A Steinfurth, Y Ropert-Coudert, A Kato, M Kurita Marine Biology 140, 17-27, 2002 | 178 | 2002 |
How cheap is soaring flight in raptors? A preliminary investigation in freely-flying vultures O Duriez, A Kato, C Tromp, G Dell'Omo, AL Vyssotski, F Sarrazin, ... PloS one 9 (1), e84887, 2014 | 177 | 2014 |
Species-and sex-specific differences in foraging behaviour and foraging zones in blue-footed and brown boobies in the Gulf of California H Weimerskirch, SA Shaffer, Y Tremblay, DP Costa, H Gadenne, A Kato, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series 391, 267-278, 2009 | 164 | 2009 |
Sex-specific foraging behaviour in a seabird with reversed sexual dimorphism: the red-footed booby H Weimerskirch, ML Corre, Y Ropert-Coudert, A Kato, F Marsac Oecologia 146, 681-691, 2006 | 164 | 2006 |
Accelerometry predicts daily energy expenditure in a bird with high activity levels KH Elliott, M Le Vaillant, A Kato, JR Speakman, Y Ropert-Coudert Biology letters 9 (1), 20120919, 2013 | 144 | 2013 |
The three-dimensional flight of red-footed boobies: adaptations to foraging in a tropical environment? H Weimerskirch, M Le Corre, Y Ropert-Coudert, A Kato, F Marsac Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1558), 53-61, 2005 | 143 | 2005 |
Diving patterns and performance in the Antarctic blue‐eyed shag Phalacrocorax atriceps JP Croxall, Y Naito, A Kato, P Rothery, DR Briggs Journal of Zoology 225 (2), 177-199, 1991 | 143 | 1991 |
Between air and water: the plunge dive of the Cape Gannet Morus capensis Y Ropert‐Coudert, D Grémillet, P Ryan, A Kato, Y Naito, Y Le Maho Ibis 146 (2), 281-290, 2004 | 139 | 2004 |
Patterns of energy acquisition by a central place forager: benefits of alternating short and long foraging trips Y Ropert-Coudert, RP Wilson, F Daunt, A Kato Behavioral Ecology 15 (5), 824-830, 2004 | 133 | 2004 |
Three-dimensional resting behaviour of northern elephant seals: drifting like a falling leaf Y Mitani, RD Andrews, K Sato, A Kato, Y Naito, DP Costa Biology letters 6 (2), 163-166, 2010 | 132 | 2010 |
Variation in foraging and parental behavior of king cormorants A Kato, Y Watanuki, I Nishiumi, M Kuroki, P Shaughnessy, Y Naito The Auk 117 (3), 718-730, 2000 | 132 | 2000 |
Bio-logging science: sensing beyond the boundaries IL Boyd, A Kato, Y Ropert-Coudert Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special Issue 58, 1-14, 2004 | 130 | 2004 |
Foraging strategies and prey encounter rate of free-ranging Little Penguins Y Ropert-Coudert, A Kato, RP Wilson, B Cannell Marine Biology 149, 139-148, 2006 | 125 | 2006 |