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Annales scientifiques de l'Ecole normale supérieure 26 (2), 189-259, 1993
147 1993 Several-variable p-adic families of Siegel-Hilbert cusp eigensystems and their Galois representations J Tilouine, E Urban
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100 1999 Représentations galoisiennes, différentielles de Kähler et «conjectures principales» B Mazur, J Tilouine
Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS 71, 65-103, 1990
100 1990 On the anticyclotomic main conjecture for CM fields H Hida, J Tilouine
Inventiones mathematicae 117 (1), 89-147, 1994
86 1994 Systèmes de Taylor-Wiles pour A Genestier, J Tilouine
77 2004 Cohomology of Siegel varieties with p-adic integral coefficients and applications A Mokrane, J Tilouine
arXiv preprint math/0012090, 2000
72 2000 Deformations of Galois representations and Hecke algebras J Tilouine
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71 1996 Nearly ordinary rank four Galois representations and-adic Siegel modular forms J Tilouine
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Bulletin de la Société mathématique de France 115, 329-360, 1987
40 1987 Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand complexes and cohomology of nilpotent groups over $\Z_p $ for representations with p-small weights P Polo, J Tilouine
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Geometric aspects of Dwork theory 1, 555-614, 2004
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Modular forms and Fermat’s last theorem, 327-342, 1997
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26 2013 Sur la conjecture principale anticyclotomique J Tilouine
23 1989 Adjoint modular Galois representations and their Selmer groups H Hida, J Tilouine, E Urban
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (21), 11121-11124, 1997
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Springer, New York, 1997
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Proceedings of Durham Symposium on Arithmetic of L-functions, 1989
21 1989 Théorie d'Iwasawa classique et de l'algèbre de Hecke ordinaire J Tilouine
Compositio Mathematica 65 (3), 265-320, 1988
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16 2006