Individual attachment style modulates human amygdala and striatum activation during social appraisal P Vrtička, F Andersson, D Grandjean, D Sander, P Vuilleumier PloS one 3 (8), e2868, 2008 | 390 | 2008 |
Emotional modulation of body-selective visual areas MV Peelen, AP Atkinson, F Andersson, P Vuilleumier Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 2 (4), 274-283, 2007 | 196 | 2007 |
Atypical activation of the mirror neuron system during perception of hand motion in autism J Martineau, F Andersson, C Barthélémy, JP Cottier, C Destrieux Brain research 1320, 168-175, 2010 | 192 | 2010 |
How verbal and spatial manipulation networks contribute to calculation: an fMRI study L Zago, L Petit, MR Turbelin, F Andersson, M Vigneau, ... Neuropsychologia 46 (9), 2403-2414, 2008 | 172 | 2008 |
Impaired activation of face processing networks revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging in 22q11. 2 deletion syndrome F Andersson, B Glaser, M Spiridon, M Debbané, P Vuilleumier, S Eliez Biological psychiatry 63 (1), 49-57, 2008 | 91 | 2008 |
FIBRASCAN: a novel method for 3D white matter tract reconstruction in MR space from cadaveric dissection I Zemmoura, B Serres, F Andersson, L Barantin, C Tauber, I Filipiak, ... Neuroimage 103, 106-118, 2014 | 61 | 2014 |
Memory for friends or foes: the social context of past encounters with faces modulates their subsequent neural traces in the brain P Vrtička, F Andersson, D Sander, P Vuilleumier Social neuroscience 4 (5), 384-401, 2009 | 61 | 2009 |
Functional asymmetries revealed in visually guided saccades: an FMRI study L Petit, L Zago, M Vigneau, F Andersson, F Crivello, B Mazoyer, E Mellet, ... Journal of neurophysiology 102 (5), 2994-3003, 2009 | 60 | 2009 |
fMRI investigation of visual change detection in adults with autism H Clery, F Andersson, F Bonnet-Brilhault, A Philippe, B Wicker, M Gomot NeuroImage: Clinical 2, 303-312, 2013 | 56 | 2013 |
Ultrasound measurements of brain tissue pulsatility correlate with the volume of MRI white-matter hyperintensity R Ternifi, X Cazals, T Desmidt, F Andersson, V Camus, JP Cottier, F Patat, ... Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 34 (6), 942-944, 2014 | 50 | 2014 |
Right hemisphere dominance for auditory attention and its modulation by eye position: an event related fMRI study L Petit, G Simon, M Joliot, F Andersson, T Bertin, L Zago, E Mellet, ... Restorative neurology and neuroscience 25 (3-4), 211-225, 2007 | 50 | 2007 |
A practical guide for the identification of major sulcogyral structures of the human cortex C Destrieux, LM Terrier, F Andersson, SA Love, JP Cottier, H Duvernoy, ... Brain Structure and Function 222, 2001-2015, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
Impact on child and parent anxiety level of a teddy bear-scale mock magnetic resonance scanner B Morel, F Andersson, M Samalbide, G Binninger, E Carpentier, D Sirinelli, ... Pediatric Radiology 50, 116-120, 2020 | 43 | 2020 |
Brain tissue pulsatility is increased in midlife depression: A comparative study using ultrasound tissue pulsatility imaging T Desmidt, B Brizard, PA Dujardin, R Ternifi, JP Réméniéras, F Patat, ... Neuropsychopharmacology 42 (13), 2575-2582, 2017 | 42 | 2017 |
The benefits of magnetic resonance imaging methods to extend the knowledge of the anatomical organisation of the periaqueductal gray in mammals O Menant, F Andersson, D Zelena, E Chaillou Journal of chemical neuroanatomy 77, 110-120, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
Working memory processing of traumatic material in women with posttraumatic stress disorder L Landré, C Destrieux, F Andersson, L Barantin, Y Quidé, G Tapia, ... Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 37 (2), 87-94, 2012 | 37 | 2012 |
Cerebral functional asymmetry and phonological performance in dyslexic adults N Hernandez, F Andersson, M Edjlali, C Hommet, JP Cottier, C Destrieux, ... Psychophysiology 50 (12), 1226-1238, 2013 | 33 | 2013 |
Inflexibility in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Need for certainty and atypical emotion processing share the blame M Latinus, H Cléry, F Andersson, F Bonnet-Brilhault, P Fonlupt, M Gomot Brain and cognition 136, 103599, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Top-down activation of fusiform cortex without seeing faces in prosopagnosia R Righart, F Andersson, S Schwartz, E Mayer, P Vuilleumier Cerebral Cortex 20 (8), 1878-1890, 2010 | 31 | 2010 |
An FMRI investigation of the cortical network underlying detection and categorization abilities in hemianopic patients C Perez, C Peyrin, C Cavézian, O Coubard, F Caetta, N Raz, N Levin, ... Brain Topography 26, 264-277, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |