Decoupling risk taking from income stream uncertainty: A holistic model of risk TB Palmer, RM Wiseman Strategic Management Journal 20 (11), 1037-1062, 1999 | 790 | 1999 |
Firm, strategic group, and industry influences on performance JC Short, DJ Ketchen Jr, TB Palmer, GTM Hult Strategic management journal 28 (2), 147-167, 2007 | 644 | 2007 |
Managerial categorization of competitors: Using old maps to navigate new environments RK Reger, TB Palmer Organization Science 7 (1), 22-39, 1996 | 441 | 1996 |
The application of DICTION to content analysis research in strategic management JC Short, TB Palmer Organizational research methods 11 (4), 727-752, 2008 | 352 | 2008 |
Mission statements in US colleges of business: An empirical examination of their content with linkages to configurations and performance TB Palmer, JC Short Academy of Management Learning & Education 7 (4), 454-470, 2008 | 289 | 2008 |
Strategic responses to poor organizational performance: A test of competing perspectives DJ Ketchen Jr, TB Palmer Journal of Management 25 (5), 683-706, 1999 | 267 | 1999 |
The role of sampling in strategic management research on performance: A two-study analysis JC Short, DJ Ketchen Jr, TB Palmer Journal of Management 28 (3), 363-385, 2002 | 260 | 2002 |
The role of top management teams in formulating and implementing turnaround strategies: a review and research agenda FT Lohrke, AG Bedeian, TB Palmer International journal of management Reviews 5 (2), 63-90, 2004 | 254 | 2004 |
Organizational performance referents: An empirical examination of their content and influences JC Short, TB Palmer Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 90 (2), 209-224, 2003 | 226 | 2003 |
Resource-based and strategic group influences on hospital performance JC Short, TB Palmer, DJ Ketchen Jr Health care management review 27 (4), 7-17, 2002 | 85 | 2002 |
The sustainable company: looking at goals for people, planet and profits TB Palmer, DJ Flanagan Journal of business strategy 37 (6), 28-38, 2016 | 81 | 2016 |
Re-Assessing the Relationship between the Fortune Reputation Data and Financial Performance: Overwhelming Influence or Just a Part of the Puzzle? DJ Flanagan, KC O'shaughnessy, TB Palmer Corporate Reputation Review 14, 3-14, 2011 | 81 | 2011 |
An examination of university student entrepreneurial intentions by type of venture TA Carey, DJ Flanagan, TB Palmer Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 15 (04), 503-517, 2010 | 80 | 2010 |
Multi-level influences on firm performance: Insights from the resource-based view and strategic groups research JC Short, TB Palmer, DJ Ketchen Multi-level issues in organizational behavior and strategy, 155-187, 2003 | 45 | 2003 |
Decoupling responsible management education: Do business schools walk their talk? MJ Maloni, TB Palmer, M Cohen, DM Gligor, JR Grout, R Myers The International Journal of Management Education 19 (1), 100456, 2021 | 43 | 2021 |
The role of mental models in control theory: Understanding cognitive factors influencing the behaviors of salespeople TB Palmer, GM Pickett Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 7 (1), 17-29, 1999 | 33 | 1999 |
Strategic responses to poor performance in the health care industry: a test of competing predictions. TB Palmer, GW Danforth, SM Clark Academy of Management Proceedings 1995 (1), 125-129, 1995 | 28 | 1995 |
Business school learning goals: Alignment with evidence-based models and accreditation standards KE Brink, TB Palmer, RD Costigan Journal of Management & Organization 24 (4), 474-491, 2018 | 22 | 2018 |
The intentions of undergraduate business students to someday be an organization's top executive: Implications for business school leadership education DJ Flanagan, TB Palmer The International Journal of Management Education 19 (1), 100455, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Why do goliaths fall?: Performance referents in successful organizations TB Palmer, JC Short Corporate Reputation Review 4, 210-222, 2001 | 16 | 2001 |