Statistical collision model for Monte Carlo simulation of polyatomic gas mixture C Borgnakke, PS Larsen Journal of computational Physics 18 (4), 405-420, 1975 | 1200 | 1975 |
Convection heat transfer VS Arpaci, PS Larsen (No Title), 1984 | 642 | 1984 |
Flow in a centrifugal pump impeller at design and off-design conditions—part I: particle image velocimetry (PIV) and laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) measurements N Pedersen, PS Larsen, CB Jacobsen J. Fluids Eng. 125 (1), 61-72, 2003 | 373 | 2003 |
Particle capture mechanisms in suspension-feeding invertebrates HU Riisgård, PS Larsen Marine Ecology Progress Series 418, 255-293, 2010 | 290 | 2010 |
Experimental and theoretical study of surge in a small centrifugal compressor KE Hansen, P Jorgensen, PS Larsen | 270 | 1981 |
Effects of temperature on the mussel pump CB Jørgensen, PS Larsen, HU Riisgård Marine Ecology Progress Series, 89-97, 1990 | 207 | 1990 |
Suspension feeding in marine sponges Halichondria panicea and Haliclona urceolus: effects of temperature on filtration rate and energy cost of pumping HU Riisgård, S Thomassen, H Jakobsen, JM Weeks, PS Larsen Marine Ecology Progress Series, 177-188, 1993 | 205 | 1993 |
The bivalve pump CB Jørgensen, P Famme, HS Kristensen, PS Larsen, F Møhlenberg, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series, 69-77, 1986 | 170 | 1986 |
Filter‐feeding in marine macro‐invertebrates: pump characteristics, modelling and energy cost HU Riisgård, PS Larsen Biological Reviews 70 (1), 67-106, 1995 | 168 | 1995 |
The mussel pump: properties and modelling CB Jørgensen, PS Larsen, F Møhlenberg, HU Riisgård Marine Ecology Progress Series, 205-216, 1988 | 121 | 1988 |
Minireview: Ciliary filter feeding and bio‐fluid mechanics—present understanding and unsolved problems HU Riisgård, PS Larsen Limnology and Oceanography 46 (4), 882-891, 2001 | 120 | 2001 |
The sponge pump PS Larsen, HU Riisgåd Journal of Theoretical Biology 168 (1), 53-63, 1994 | 95 | 1994 |
Downstream collecting in ciliary suspension feeders: the catch-up principle HU Riisgård, C Nielsen, PS Larsen Marine Ecology Progress Series 207, 33-51, 2000 | 85 | 2000 |
Secondary flows in straight ducts of rectangular cross section B Gervang, PS Larsen Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 39 (3), 217-237, 1991 | 76 | 1991 |
INFLUENCE OF AXIALLY NONUNIFORM HEAT FLUX ON DNB. LS Tong, HB Currin, PS Larsen, OG Smith Chem. Eng. Progr., Symp. Ser., 62: No. 64, 35-40 (1966)., 1966 | 72 | 1966 |
Growth of mussels Mytilus edulis at algal (Rhodomonas salina) concentrations below and above saturation levels for reduced filtration rate HU Riisgård, D Pleissner, K Lundgreen, PS Larsen Marine Biology Research 9 (10), 1005-1017, 2013 | 71 | 2013 |
Allometric equations for maximum filtration rate in blue mussels Mytilus edulis and importance of condition index HU Riisgård, PS Larsen, D Pleissner Helgoland Marine Research 68, 193-198, 2014 | 69 | 2014 |
Viscosity of seawater controls beat frequency of water-pumping cilia and filtration rate of mussels Mytilus edulis HU Riisgård, PS Larsen Marine Ecology Progress Series 343, 141-150, 2007 | 68 | 2007 |
Physiologically regulated valve-closure makes mussels long-term starvation survivors: test of hypothesis HU Riisgård, PS Larsen Journal of Molluscan Studies 81 (2), 303-307, 2015 | 67 | 2015 |
Water pumping and analysis of flow in burrowing zoobenthos: an overview HU Riisgård, PS Larsen Aquatic Ecology 39, 237-258, 2005 | 66 | 2005 |