Quantum many-particle systems JW Negele
CRC Press, 2018
3203 2018 Structure of finite nuclei in the local-density approximation JW Negele
Physical review C 1 (4), 1260, 1970
1222 1970 Neutron star matter at sub-nuclear densities JW Negele, D Vautherin
Nuclear Physics A 207 (2), 298-320, 1973
1157 1973 Density-matrix expansion for an effective nuclear hamiltonian JW Negele, D Vautherin
Physical Review C 5 (5), 1472, 1972
1113 1972 The mean-field theory of nuclear structure and dynamics JW Negele
Reviews of Modern Physics 54 (4), 913, 1982
1013 1982 Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial O Abani, A Abbas, F Abbas, M Abbas, S Abbasi, H Abbass, A Abbott, ...
The Lancet 397 (10285), 1637-1645, 2021
906 * 2021 One-dimensional nuclear dynamics in the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation P Bonche, S Koonin, JW Negele
Physical Review C 13 (3), 1226, 1976
738 1976 Nucleon generalized parton distributions from full lattice QCD P Hägler, W Schroers, J Bratt, JW Negele, AV Pochinsky, RG Edwards, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 77 (9), 094502, 2008
523 * 2008 Casirivimab and imdevimab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial O Abani, A Abbas, F Abbas, M Abbas, S Abbasi, H Abbass, A Abbott, ...
The Lancet 399 (10325), 665-676, 2022
429 * 2022 Evidence for the role of instantons in hadron structure from lattice QCD MC Chu, JM Grandy, S Huang, JW Negele
Physical Review D 49 (11), 6039, 1994
370 1994 Nucleon structure from mixed action calculations using flavors <?format ?>of asqtad sea and domain wall valence fermions JD Bratt, RG Edwards, M Engelhardt, P Hägler, HW Lin, MF Lin, HB Meyer, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 82 (9), 094502, 2010
343 2010 Time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations for + and + reactions SE Koonin, KTR Davies, V Maruhn-Rezwani, H Feldmeier, SJ Krieger, ...
Physical Review C 15 (4), 1359, 1977
304 1977 Mean free path in a nucleus JW Negele, K Yazaki
Physical Review Letters 47 (2), 71, 1981
303 1981 Contributions of neutrons to elastic electron scattering from nuclei W Bertozzi, J Friar, J Heisenberg, JW Negele
Physics Letters B 41 (4), 408-414, 1972
299 1972 Discrete-Symmetry Breaking and Novel Critical Phenomena in an Antiferromagnetic Planar ( ) Model in Two Dimensions DH Lee, JD Joannopoulos, JW Negele, DP Landau
Physical review letters 52 (6), 433, 1984
255 1984 Symmetry analysis and Monte Carlo study of a frustrated antiferromagnetic planar (XY) model in two dimensions DH Lee, JD Joannopoulos, JW Negele, DP Landau
Physical Review B 33 (1), 450, 1986
250 1986 Moments of nucleon light cone quark distributions calculated in full lattice QCD D Dolgov, R Brower, S Capitani, P Dreher, JW Negele, A Pochinsky, ...
Physical Review D 66 (3), 034506, 2002
249 2002 Light hadron spectroscopy using domain wall valence quarks on an Asqtad sea A Walker-Loud, HW Lin, DG Richards, RG Edwards, M Engelhardt, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (5), 054502, 2009
244 2009 Exploring quark transverse momentum distributions with lattice QCD BU Musch, P Hägler, JW Negele, A Schäfer
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 83 (9), 094507, 2011
232 2011 Dynamics of induced fission JW Negele, SE Koonin, P Möller, JR Nix, AJ Sierk
Physical Review C 17 (3), 1098, 1978
217 1978