Information, futures prices, and stabilizing speculation JP Danthine Journal of Economic Theory 17 (1), 79-98, 1978 | 755 | 1978 |
Cross hedging RW Anderson, JP Danthine Journal of Political Economy 89 (6), 1182-1196, 1981 | 715 | 1981 |
Intermediate financial theory JP Danthine, JB Donaldson academic press, 2014 | 371 | 2014 |
The time pattern of hedging and the volatility of futures prices RW Anderson, JP Danthine The Review of Economic Studies 50 (2), 249-266, 1983 | 363 | 1983 |
Wage bargaining structure, employment and economic integration JP Danthine, J Hunt The Economic Journal 104 (424), 528-541, 1994 | 294 | 1994 |
Labour relations and asset returns JP Danthine, JB Donaldson The Review of Economic Studies 69 (1), 41-64, 2002 | 293 | 2002 |
Hedging and joint production: Theory and illustrations RW Anderson, JP Danthine The Journal of Finance 35 (2), 487-498, 1980 | 274 | 1980 |
Hedger diversity in futures markets RW Anderson, JP Danthine The Economic Journal 93 (370), 370-389, 1983 | 258 | 1983 |
Methodological and empirical issues in real business cycle theory JP Danthine, JB Donaldson European economic review 37 (1), 1-35, 1993 | 254 | 1993 |
Efficiency wages and the business cycle puzzle JP Danthine, JB Donaldson European Economic Review 34 (7), 1275-1301, 1990 | 214 | 1990 |
European financial integration and equity returns: A theory-based assessment K Adjaouté, JP Danthine FAME working paper, 2003 | 208 | 2003 |
Inflation and asset prices in an exchange economy JP Danthine, JB Donaldson Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 585-605, 1986 | 205 | 1986 |
European financial markets after EMU: a first assessment JP Danthine, F Giavazzi, EL Von Thadden National bureau of economic research, 2000 | 204 | 2000 |
The future of European banking JP Danthine Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1999 | 197 | 1999 |
Business cycles in Switzerland: a comparative study JP Danthine, M Girardin European economic review 33 (1), 31-50, 1989 | 193 | 1989 |
Fair wages in a New Keynesian model of the business cycle JP Danthine, A Kurmann Review of economic dynamics 7 (1), 107-142, 2004 | 145 | 2004 |
Martingale, market efficiency and commodity prices JP Danthine European Economic Review 10 (1), 1-17, 1977 | 105 | 1977 |
Stochastic properties of fast vs. slow growing economies JP Danthine, JB Donaldson Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1007-1033, 1981 | 93 | 1981 |
The equity premium and the allocation of income risk JP Danthine, JB Donaldson, R Mehra Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 16 (3-4), 509-532, 1992 | 92 | 1992 |
Non-walrasian economies JP Danthine, JB Donaldson Ecole des HEC/DEEP, 1992 | 85 | 1992 |