Accurate charge-dependent nucleon-nucleon potential at fourth order of chiral perturbation theory DR Entem, R Machleidt
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120 2000 Dominant contributions to the nucleon-nucleon interaction at sixth order of chiral perturbation theory DR Entem, N Kaiser, R Machleidt, Y Nosyk
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Physical Review D 94 (7), 074037, 2016
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88 2013 Molecular structures in the charmonium spectrum: the XYZ puzzle PG Ortega, DR Entem, F Fernandez
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76 2013 Nonperturbative renormalization of the chiral nucleon-nucleon interaction up to next-to-next-to-leading order E Marji, A Canul, Q MacPherson, R Winzer, C Zeoli, DR Entem, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 88 (5), 054002, 2013
72 2013 Charmonium resonances in the 3.9 GeV/c2 energy region and the X (3915)/X (3930) puzzle PG Ortega, J Segovia, DR Entem, F Fernández
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