Zhi Mian and existential psychology X Wang The Humanistic Psychologist 39 (3), 240-246, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
Spiritual warrior in search of meaning: An existential view of Lu Xun through his life incidents and analogies X Wang Existential psychology East-West, 149-164, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
On becoming a religious therapist in Chinese culture X Wang Pastoral Psychology 61 (5), 1007-1024, 2012 | 6 | 2012 |
An East–West Dialogue: An outline of existential therapy development in China and related Asian countries X Wang The Wiley world handbook of existential therapy, 579-591, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
The symbol of the iron house: from survivalism to existentialism X Wang, L Hoffman, M Yang, M Mansilla, J Dias, M Moats, T Claypool Existential psychology East–West, 3-15, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Xiayu and Jesus: A comparison X Wang Chinese Theological Review 5, 56-65, 1989 | 2 | 1989 |
A Creation-Growth Approach to Pastoral Counseling (in Chinese) X Wang | | 2023 |
My journey to existential psychology: A dialogue with colleagues at the Zhi Mian Institute X Wang Becoming an Existential-Humanistic Therapist: Narratives from the Journey …, 2022 | | 2022 |
Zhi Mian Psychology: Plumbing the Mysteries of Human Psyche (in Chinese) X Wang | | 2021 |
Sing a Song for a Broken Heart (in Chinese) X Wang | | 2021 |
Thus Spoke the Zhi Mian Healer (in Chinese) X Wang | | 2018 |
Psychology in Life (in Chinese) X Wang | | 2018 |
Zhi Mian: Approaching Healing/Therapy Through Facing Reality. A Chinese Approach to Existential Thinking and Practice X Wang Existential Analysis 27 (1), 4-15, 2016 | | 2016 |
Becoming Yourself (in Chinese) X Wang | | 2014 |
The Heart to Heal (in Chinese) X Wang | | 2011 |
The Wounded Being (in Chinese) X Wang | | 2010 |
The Road to Grow (in Chinese) X Wang | | 2010 |
Flowers of the Bygone days (in Chinese) X Wang | | 2008 |