One VM to rule them all T Würthinger, C Wimmer, A Wöß, L Stadler, G Duboscq, C Humer, ... Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international symposium on New ideas, new …, 2013 | 419 | 2013 |
Self-optimizing AST interpreters T Würthinger, A Wöß, L Stadler, G Duboscq, D Simon, C Wimmer Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Dynamic Languages, 73-82, 2012 | 211 | 2012 |
Practical partial evaluation for high-performance dynamic language runtimes T Würthinger, C Wimmer, C Humer, A Wöß, L Stadler, C Seaton, ... Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2017 | 176 | 2017 |
An intermediate representation for speculative optimizations in a dynamic compiler G Duboscq, T Würthinger, L Stadler, C Wimmer, D Simon, H Mössenböck Proceedings of the 7th ACM workshop on Virtual machines and intermediate …, 2013 | 175 | 2013 |
Truffle: a self-optimizing runtime system C Wimmer, T Würthinger Proceedings of the 3rd annual conference on Systems, programming, and …, 2012 | 161 | 2012 |
Renaissance: Benchmarking suite for parallel applications on the jvm A Prokopec, A Rosà, D Leopoldseder, G Duboscq, P Tůma, M Studener, ... Proceedings of the 40th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2019 | 153 | 2019 |
Partial escape analysis and scalar replacement for Java L Stadler, T Würthinger, H Mössenböck Proceedings of Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation …, 2014 | 139 | 2014 |
Dynamic code evolution for Java T Würthinger, C Wimmer, L Stadler Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Principles and …, 2010 | 105 | 2010 |
Initialize once, start fast: application initialization at build time C Wimmer, C Stancu, P Hofer, V Jovanovic, P Wögerer, PB Kessler, ... Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3 (OOPSLA), 1-29, 2019 | 101 | 2019 |
Graal IR: An extensible declarative intermediate representation G Duboscq, L Stadler, T Würthinger, D Simon, C Wimmer, H Mössenböck Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Programming Languages and Compilers Workshop …, 2013 | 101 | 2013 |
High-performance cross-language interoperability in a multi-language runtime M Grimmer, C Seaton, R Schatz, T Würthinger, H Mössenböck Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Dynamic Languages, 78-90, 2015 | 83 | 2015 |
Array bounds check elimination for the Java HotSpot™ client compiler T Würthinger, C Wimmer, H Mössenböck Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Principles and practice of …, 2007 | 77 | 2007 |
A domain-specific language for building self-optimizing AST interpreters C Humer, C Wimmer, C Wirth, A Wöß, T Würthinger Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Generative Programming …, 2014 | 73 | 2014 |
Bringing low-level languages to the JVM: Efficient execution of LLVM IR on Truffle M Rigger, M Grimmer, C Wimmer, T Würthinger, H Mössenböck Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Virtual Machines and …, 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
Dominance-based duplication simulation (DBDS): code duplication to enable compiler optimizations D Leopoldseder, L Stadler, T Würthinger, J Eisl, D Simon, H Mössenböck Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Code Generation and …, 2018 | 54 | 2018 |
Cross-language interoperability in a multi-language runtime M Grimmer, R Schatz, C Seaton, T Würthinger, M Luján, H Mössenböck ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 40 (2), 1-43, 2018 | 52 | 2018 |
Speculation without regret: reducing deoptimization meta-data in the Graal compiler G Duboscq, T Würthinger, H Mössenböck Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Principles and Practices …, 2014 | 50 | 2014 |
Dynamically composing languages in a modular way: Supporting C extensions for dynamic languages M Grimmer, C Seaton, T Würthinger, H Mössenböck Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Modularity, 1-13, 2015 | 48 | 2015 |
An experimental study of the influence of dynamic compiler optimizations on scala performance L Stadler, G Duboscq, H Mössenböck, T Würthinger, D Simon Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Scala, 1-8, 2013 | 42 | 2013 |
Unrestricted and safe dynamic code evolution for Java T Würthinger, C Wimmer, L Stadler Science of Computer Programming 78 (5), 481-498, 2013 | 42 | 2013 |