Bot-teachers in hybrid massive open online courses (MOOCs): A post-humanist experience A Bozkurt, W Kilgore, M Crosslin Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 34 (3), 2018 | 84 | 2018 |
Exploring self-regulated learning choices in a customisable learning pathway MOOC M Crosslin Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 34 (1), 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Microlearning as a tool to engage students in online and blended learning P Semingson, M Crosslin, J Dellinger Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
Challenges and opportunities of dual-layer MOOCs: Reflections from an edX deployment study CP Rosé, O Ferschke, G Tomar, D Yang, I Howley, V Aleven, G Siemens, ... Proceedings of the 11th international conference on computer supported …, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
From instructivism to connectivism: theoretical underpinnings of MOOCs M Crosslin Current Issues in Emerging eLearning 3 (1), 6, 2016 | 33 | 2016 |
Student ability best predicts final grade in a college algebra course KA O'Connell, E Wostl, M Crosslin, TL Berry, JP Grover Journal of Learning Analytics 5 (3), 167–181-167–181, 2018 | 32 | 2018 |
Lessons learned while designing and implementing a multiple pathways xMOOC+ cMOOC M Crosslin, J Dellinger Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
Customizable modalities for individualized learning: Examining patterns of engagement in dual-layer MOOCs M Crosslin, J Dellinger, S Joksimovic, V Kovanovic, D Gasevic Online Learning 22 (1), 19-38, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Creating online learning experiences: A brief guide to online courses, from small and private to massive and open M Crosslin | 24 | 2018 |
Designing a Dual Layer cMOOC/xMOOC M Crosslin EduGeek Journal [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://www. edugeekjournal. com …, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
Understanding student learning pathways in traditional online history courses: utilizing process mining analysis on clickstream data M Crosslin, K Breuer, N Milikić, JT Dellinger Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning 14 (3), 399-414, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
What’s cooking in the MOOC kitchen: Layered MOOCs M Crosslin, JS Wakefield TechTrends 60, 98-101, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Course management meets social networking in Moodle M Crosslin Social computing: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications, 849-854, 2010 | 11 | 2010 |
Self-mapped learning pathways: Theoretical underpinnings and practical course design for individualized learning M Crosslin Current Issues in Education 22 (1 (Sp Iss)), 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Customizable modality pathway learning design: Exploring personalized learning choices through a lens of self-regulated learning MB Crosslin University of North Texas, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Conceptualising and designing self-mapped learning pathways courses to encourage learner agency and equity M Crosslin Unleashing the Power of Learner Agency, 67-76, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Leveraging Sociocultural Theory to Create a Mentorship Program for Doctoral Students. M Crosslin, JS Wakefield, P Bennette, JW Black III International Association for Development of the Information Society, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
When the future finally arrives: Web 2.0 becomes web 3.0 M Crosslin Grid and Cloud Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications …, 2012 | 6 | 2012 |
Creating Online Learning Experiences: A Brief Guide to Online Courses, from Small and Private to Massive and Open M Croslin Mavs Open Press, University of Texas at Arlington, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Exploring virtual reality, synchronous learning, and google apps with preservice teachers with an interactive technology workshop and tutorial P Semingson, D Owens, M Crosslin, B Brown Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |