Isotopic compositions of the elements 2009 (IUPAC Technical Report) M Berglund, ME Wieser
Pure and applied chemistry 83 (2), 397-410, 2011
1104 2011 Encyclopedia of spectroscopy and spectrometry JC Lindon, GE Tranter, D Koppenaal
Academic Press, 2016
941 * 2016 Atomic weights of the elements 2011 (IUPAC Technical Report) ME Wieser, N Holden, TB Coplen, JK Böhlke, M Berglund, WA Brand, ...
Pure and Applied Chemistry 85 (5), 1047-1078, 2013
665 2013 Atomic weights of the elements 2005 (IUPAC Technical Report) ME Wieser
Pure and Applied Chemistry 78 (11), 2051-2066, 2006
376 2006 The development of multiple collector mass spectrometry for isotope ratio measurements ME Wieser, JB Schwieters
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 242 (2-3), 97-115, 2005
238 2005 Inorganic Chemistry Division, Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights. Atomic Weights of the Elements 2005 ME Wieser, TB Coplen
Pure Appl. Chem 78, 2051-2066, 2006
227 2006 Atomic weights of the elements 2009 (IUPAC Technical Report) ME Wieser, TB Coplen
Pure and Applied Chemistry 83 (2), 359-396, 2010
222 2010 Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 (IUPAC Technical Report) T Prohaska, J Irrgeher, J Benefield, JK Böhlke, LA Chesson, TB Coplen, ...
Pure and Applied Chemistry 94 (5), 573-600, 2022
167 2022 High precision calcium isotope ratio measurements using a magnetic sector multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer ME Wieser, D Buhl, C Bouman, J Schwieters
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 19 (7), 844-851, 2004
126 2004 Dawning of the Shell Closure Seen through Precision Mass Measurements of Neutron-Rich Titanium Isotopes E Leistenschneider, MP Reiter, S Ayet San Andrés, B Kootte, JD Holt, ...
Physical review letters 120 (6), 062503, 2018
122 2018 Weight of natural elements ME Wieser, M Berglund
Pure Appl Chem 81 (11), 2131-2156, 2009
122 2009 Molybdenum isotope variations in molybdenite: Vapor transport and Rayleigh fractionation of Mo JL Hannah, HJ Stein, ME Wieser, JR De Laeter, MD Varner
Geology 35 (8), 703-706, 2007
110 2007 The influence of organic matter on the boron isotope geochemistry of the gulf coast sedimentary basin, USA LB Williams, RL Hervig, ME Wieser, I Hutcheon
Chemical Geology 174 (4), 445-461, 2001
103 2001 Determination of the geographical origin of green coffee by principal component analysis of carbon, nitrogen and boron stable isotope ratios F Serra, CG Guillou, F Reniero, L Ballarin, MI Cantagallo, M Wieser, ...
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted …, 2005
101 2005 IUPAC periodic table of the elements and isotopes (IPTEI) for the education community (IUPAC Technical Report) NE Holden, TB Coplen, JK Böhlke, LV Tarbox, J Benefield, JR de Laeter, ...
Pure and Applied Chemistry 90 (12), 1833-2092, 2018
99 2018 Variations in the boron isotope composition of Coffea arabica beans ME Wieser, SS Iyer, HR Krouse, MI Cantagallo
Applied Geochemistry 16 (3), 317-322, 2001
75 2001 Molybdenum isotopic evidence for oxic marine conditions during the latest Permian extinction BC Proemse, SE Grasby, ME Wieser, B Mayer, B Beauchamp
Geology 41 (9), 967-970, 2013
63 2013 Evidence of the double decay of zirconium-96 measured in year-old zircons ME Wieser, JR De Laeter
Physical Review C 64 (2), 024308, 2001
56 2001 A preliminary study of isotope fractionation in molybdenites ME Wieser, JR de Laeter
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 225 (2), 177-183, 2003
50 2003 Thermal ionization mass spectrometry of molybdenum isotopes ME Wieser, JR De Laeter
International Journal of mass spectrometry 197 (1-3), 253-261, 2000
50 2000