Going beyond the theory/practice divide in early childhood education: Introducing an intra-active pedagogy HL Taguchi Routledge, 2009 | 1400 | 2009 |
Challenging anthropocentric analysis of visual data: A relational materialist methodological approach to educational research K Hultman, H Lenz Taguchi International journal of qualitative studies in education 23 (5), 525-542, 2010 | 904 | 2010 |
A diffractive and Deleuzian approach to analysing interview data HL Taguchi Feminist theory 13 (3), 265-281, 2012 | 706 | 2012 |
Lyssnandets pedagogik: etik och demokrati i pedagogiskt arbete A Åberg, HL Taguchi TPB, 2005 | 625 | 2005 |
Varför pedagogisk dokumentation?: om barnsyn, kunskapssyn och ett förändrat förhållningssätt till förskolans arbete HL Taguchi HLS, 1997 | 525 | 1997 |
In på bara benet. En introduktion till feministisk poststrukturalism H Lenz Taguchi Stockholm: HLS förlag, 2004 | 352 | 2004 |
Becoming schoolgirls: The ambivalent project of subjectification B Davies, S Dormer, S Gannon, C Laws, S Rocco, HL Taguchi, H McCann Gender and education 13 (2), 167-182, 2001 | 321 | 2001 |
Förskola och skola: om två skilda traditioner och om visionen om en mötesplats G Dahlberg, HL Taguchi HLS förlag, 1994 | 321 | 1994 |
Pedagogisk dokumentation som aktiv agent: Introduktion till intra-aktiv pedagogik H Lenz Taguchi Gleerups utbildning AB, 2012 | 316 | 2012 |
Emancipation och motstånd: dokumentation och kooperativa läroprocesser i förskolan H Lenz Taguchi HLS förlag, 2000 | 266 | 2000 |
A more ‘livable’school? A diffractive analysis of the performative enactments of girls’ ill-/well-being with (in) school environments HL Taguchi, A Palmer Material Feminisms: New Directions for Education, 17-33, 2018 | 265 | 2018 |
Investigating learning, participation and becoming in early childhood practices with a relational materialist approach HL Taguchi Global studies of childhood 1 (1), 36-50, 2011 | 240 | 2011 |
Using concept as method in educational and social science inquiry HL Taguchi, EA St. Pierre Qualitative inquiry 23 (9), 643-648, 2017 | 223 | 2017 |
Images of thinking in feminist materialisms: Ontological divergences and the production of researcher subjectivities H Lenz Taguchi International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 26 (6), 706-716, 2013 | 208 | 2013 |
Deconstructing and transgressing the theory—practice dichotomy in early childhood education HL Taguchi Educational philosophy and theory 39 (3), 275-290, 2007 | 174 | 2007 |
Lyttende pedagogikk: etikk og demokrati i pedagogisk arbeid A Åberg, HL Taguchi Universitetsforl., 2006 | 132 | 2006 |
“The Concept as Method” Tracing-and-mapping the Problem of the Neuro (n) in the Field of Education H Lenz Taguchi Cultural Studies? Critical Methodologies 16 (2), 213-223, 2016 | 111 | 2016 |
Rethinking pedagogical practices in early childhood education: A multidimensional approach to learning and inclusion HL Taguchi Contemporary perspectives on early childhood education 14, 2010 | 101 | 2010 |
New materialisms and play HL Taguchi Sage handbook of play and learning in early childhood, 79-90, 2014 | 92 | 2014 |
Getting personal: How early childhood teacher education troubles students' and teacher educators' identities regarding subjectivity and feminism HL Taguchi Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 6 (3), 244-255, 2005 | 78 | 2005 |