Mood and judgment: the affect infusion model (AIM). JP Forgas Psychological bulletin 117 (1), 39, 1995 | 5813 | 1995 |
Mood effects on person-perception judgments. JP Forgas, GH Bower Journal of personality and social psychology 53 (1), 53, 1987 | 1493 | 1987 |
Affective influences on judgments and behavior in organizations: An information processing perspective JP Forgas, JM George Organizational behavior and human decision processes 86 (1), 3-34, 2001 | 1396 | 2001 |
Feeling and thinking: The role of affect in social cognition JP Forgas Cambridge University Press, 2001 | 1124* | 2001 |
On feeling good and getting your way: Mood effects on negotiator cognition and bargaining strategies. JP Forgas Journal of personality and social psychology 74 (3), 565, 1998 | 927 | 1998 |
Affect in social judgments and decisions: A multiprocess model JP Forgas Advances in experimental social psychology 25, 227-275, 1992 | 777 | 1992 |
Emotional intelligence in everyday life J Ciarrochi, JP Forgas, JD Mayer Psychology press, 2013 | 751 | 2013 |
Feeling and doing: Affective influences on interpersonal behavior JP Forgas Psychological inquiry 13 (1), 1-28, 2002 | 736 | 2002 |
On being happy and mistaken: mood effects on the fundamental attribution error. JP Forgas Journal of personality and social psychology 75 (2), 318, 1998 | 710 | 1998 |
The influence of mood on perceptions of social interactions JP Forgas, GH Bower, SE Krantz Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 20 (6), 497-513, 1984 | 675 | 1984 |
Social categorization: Cognitions, values and groups. H Tajfel, JP Forgas Psychology Press, 2000 | 612 | 2000 |
Mood and the regulation of information processing and behavior H Bless, K Fiedler Affect in social thinking and behavior, 65-84, 2012 | 540 | 2012 |
Soziale Interaktion und Kommunikation: Eine Einführung in die Sozialpsychologie JP Forgas (No Title), 1999 | 528 | 1999 |
Handbook of affect and social cognition JP Forgas Psychology Press, 2012 | 515 | 2012 |
The social outcast: Ostracism, social exclusion, rejection, and bullying KD Williams, JP Forgas, W Von Hippel Psychology Press, 2013 | 496 | 2013 |
Affect and cognition JP Forgas Perspectives on psychological science 3 (2), 94-101, 2008 | 445 | 2008 |
Praise or blame? Affective influences on attributions for achievement. JP Forgas, GH Bower, SJ Moylan Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 59 (4), 809, 1990 | 445 | 1990 |
Affect, memory, and social cognition. GH Bower, JP Forgas Oxford University Press, 2000 | 416 | 2000 |
On being happy and gullible: Mood effects on skepticism and the detection of deception JP Forgas, R East Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (5), 1362-1367, 2008 | 415 | 2008 |
Don’t worry, be sad! On the cognitive, motivational, and interpersonal benefits of negative mood JP Forgas Current Directions in Psychological Science 22 (3), 225-232, 2013 | 412 | 2013 |