Predictions of freeway traffic speeds and volumes using vector autoregressive models SR Chandra, H Al-Deek Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 13 (2), 53-72, 2009 | 383 | 2009 |
Estimating magnitude and duration of incident delays A Garib, AE Radwan, H Al-Deek Journal of Transportation Engineering 123 (6), 459-466, 1997 | 338 | 1997 |
Performance evaluation of short-term time-series traffic prediction model S Ishak, H Al-Deek Journal of transportation engineering 128 (6), 490-498, 2002 | 256 | 2002 |
New methodology for estimating reliability in transportation networks with degraded link capacities H Al-Deek, EB Emam Journal of intelligent transportation systems 10 (3), 117-129, 2006 | 217 | 2006 |
Using real-life dual-loop detector data to develop new methodology for estimating freeway travel time reliability EB Emam, H Al-Deek Transportation research record 1959 (1), 140-150, 2006 | 173 | 2006 |
Travel-time prediction for freeway corridors MP D’Angelo, HM Al-Deek, MC Wang Transportation Research Record 1676 (1), 184-191, 1999 | 172 | 1999 |
A combined traveler behavior and system performance model with advanced traveler information systems HM Al-Deek, AJ Khattak, P Thananjeyan Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 32 (7), 479-493, 1998 | 130 | 1998 |
New algorithms for filtering and imputation of real-time and archived dual-loop detector data in I-4 data warehouse HM Al-Deek, C Venkata, SR Chandra Transportation research record 1867 (1), 116-126, 2004 | 128 | 2004 |
Modeling the benefits of advanced traveler information systems in corridors with incidents H Al-Deek, A Kanafani Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 1 (4), 303-324, 1993 | 128 | 1993 |
Freeway service patrol evaluation A Skabardonis, H Noeimi, K Petty, D Rydzewski, P Varaiya, H Al-Deek | 122 | 1995 |
New method for estimating freeway incident congestion H Al-Deek, A Garib, AE Radwan Transportation Research Record, 30-39, 1995 | 102 | 1995 |
Operational benefits of electronic toll collection: case study HM Al-Deek, AA Mohamed, AE Radwan Journal of Transportation Engineering 123 (6), 467-477, 1997 | 87 | 1997 |
The freeway service patrol evaluation project: Database support programs, and accessibility KF Petty, H Noeimi, K Sanwal, D Rydzewski, A Skabardonis, P Varaiya, ... Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 4 (2), 71-85, 1996 | 84 | 1996 |
A simple model for route guidance benefits A Kanafani, H Al-Deek Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 25 (4), 191-201, 1991 | 82 | 1991 |
Modeling traffic operations at electronic toll collection and traffic management systems ML Zarrillo, AE Radwan, HM Al-Deek Computers & industrial engineering 33 (3-4), 857-860, 1997 | 79 | 1997 |
New model for evaluation of traffic operations at electronic toll collection plazas HM Al-Deek, AA Mohamed, EA Radwan Transportation Research Record 1710 (1), 1-10, 2000 | 77 | 2000 |
Preliminary validation of driving simulator based on forward speed H Klee, C Bauer, E Radwan, H Al-Deek Transportation research record 1689 (1), 33-39, 1999 | 75 | 1999 |
Cross-correlation analysis and multivariate prediction of spatial time series of freeway traffic speeds SR Chandra, H Al-Deek Transportation Research Record 2061 (1), 64-76, 2008 | 68 | 2008 |
Travel time prediction with non-linear time series HM Al-Deek, MP D'Angelo, MC Wang | 64 | 1998 |
Truck trip generation models for seaports with container and trailer operation HM Al-Deek, G Johnson, A Mohamed, A El-Maghraby Transportation Research Record 1719 (1), 1-9, 2000 | 63 | 2000 |