Капиллярные явления в процессах роста и плавления кристаллов ЮВ Найдич, ВМ Перевертайло, НФ Григоренко Наук. думка, 1983 | 47 | 1983 |
Interphase and capillary phenomena in crystal growth and melting processes YV Naidich, NF Grigorenko, VM Perevertailo Journal of Crystal Growth 53 (2), 261-272, 1981 | 39 | 1981 |
Capillary characteristics of high temperature melts measured by sessile-drop method using computer-aided TV system YV Naidich, NF Grigorenko Journal of materials science 27, 3092-3097, 1992 | 16 | 1992 |
Volume changes accompanying the sintering of compacts from mixtures of titanium and iron powders LI Kivalo, VV Skorokhod, NF Grigorenko Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 21, 360-364, 1982 | 16 | 1982 |
Kinetics of spreading of some metal melts over covalent ceramic surfaces N Grigorenko, V Poluyanskaya, N Eustathopoulos, Y Naidich Interfacial Science in Ceramic Joining, 57-67, 1998 | 11 | 1998 |
Effect of nickel on sintering processes in the Ti-Fe system. Part I LI Kivalo, VV Skorokhod, NF Grigorenko Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 22, 543-546, 1983 | 8 | 1983 |
v. M. PEREVERTAILO YV Naidich, NF Grigorenko J. Cryst. Growth 53, 261, 1981 | 8 | 1981 |
Interfacial Science of Ceramics Joining N Grigorenko, V Poluyanskaya, N Eustathopoulos, Y Naidich Bellosi A, Kosmac, Tomsia AP,(Ed.), 69-78, 1998 | 7 | 1998 |
Контактное взаимодействие между жидкой и твердой фазами в дисперсной системе титан-железо ЛИ Кивало, НФ Григоренко, ВВ Скороход Порошковая металлургия, 25-28, 1988 | 7 | 1988 |
Capillary phenomena in the processes of growth and melting of crystals YV Naidich, VM Perevertailo, NF Grigorenko Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1983 | 7 | 1983 |
Kapilljarnye javlenija v processach rosta i plavlenija kristallov JV Najdič, VM Perevertajlo, NF Grigorenko 'Nauk. Dumka', 1983 | 6 | 1983 |
Wettability of Certain Solids With Their Own Melts YUV Naidich, VM Perevertailo, EM Lebovich, LP Obushchak, ... Zhur. Fiz. Khim. 47 (6), 1574-1576, 1973 | 6 | 1973 |
Study of capillary properties in the crystal-melt system during the growth and melting of crystals. YV Naidich, NF Grigorenko, VM Perevertailo BULL. ACAD. SCI. USSR PHYS. SER. 44 (2), 9-13, 1980 | 4 | 1980 |
Anisotropy of Melting of Single-Crystal Ge YUV Naidich, NF Grigorenko, VM Perevertailo Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii 51 (11), 2984-2986, 1977 | 4 | 1977 |
Анизотропия плавления монокристаллов германия ЮВ Найдич, НФ Григоренко, ВМ Перевертайло ЖФХ. 51 (11), 2984, 1977 | 4 | 1977 |
Anisotropy of wettability of facets of monocrystals of thymol and benzophenone by their own melts YV Naidich, VM Perevertailo, NF Grigorenko Zh. Fiz. Khim. 49 (1), 238-240, 1975 | 4 | 1975 |
Wettability of α-Al2O3 single crystals by Ni-Al melts N Grigorenko, V Zhuravlev, V Poluyanskaya, YV Naidich, ... Proceedings of Second International Conference on High Temperature …, 1997 | 3 | 1997 |
Contact reaction between a liquid and a solid phase in a finely divided titanium-iron system LI Kivalo, NF Grigorenko, VV Skorokhod Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 27, 699-702, 1988 | 3 | 1988 |
Investigation of the electric conductivity of In2Se3-K2Se system melts AA Velikanov, PP Shevchuk, VV Malinovskij, NF Grigorenko Ukrainskij Khimicheskij Zhurnal 37 (12), 1224-1227, 1971 | 3 | 1971 |
Процеси швидкісного змочування та розтікання у системі адгезійно-активний металічний розплав—нітрид кремнію МФ Григоренко, ВВ Полуянська, ЄП Черніговцев Інститут проблем матеріалознавства ім. ІМ Францевича НАН України, 2008 | 2 | 2008 |