Woody biomass production lags stem-girth increase by over one month in coniferous forests HE Cuny, CBK Rathgeber, D Frank, P Fonti, H Mäkinen, P Prislan, ... Nature plants 1 (11), 1-6, 2015 | 364 | 2015 |
Pattern of xylem phenology in conifers of cold ecosystems at the Northern Hemisphere S Rossi, T Anfodillo, K Čufar, HE Cuny, A Deslauriers, P Fonti, D Frank, ... Global Change Biology 22 (11), 3804-3813, 2016 | 252 | 2016 |
Microbial communities, biomass, and activities in soils as affected by freeze thaw cycles HT Koponen, T Jaakkola, MM Keinänen-Toivola, S Kaipainen, ... Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (7), 1861-1871, 2006 | 214 | 2006 |
Photoperiod and temperature as dominant environmental drivers triggering secondary growth resumption in Northern Hemisphere conifers JG Huang, Q Ma, S Rossi, F Biondi, A Deslauriers, P Fonti, E Liang, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (34), 20645-20652, 2020 | 179 | 2020 |
Wood density within Norway spruce stems T Jyske, H Mäkinen, P Saranpää Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2008 | 160 | 2008 |
Delignified wood from understanding the hierarchically aligned cellulosic structures to creating novel functional materials: a review A Kumar, T Jyske, M Petrič Advanced Sustainable Systems 5 (5), 2000251, 2021 | 133 | 2021 |
Wood density in Norway spruce: changes with thinning intensity and tree age T Jaakkola, H Mäkinen, P Saranpää Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35 (7), 1767-1778, 2005 | 125 | 2005 |
The effect of artificially induced drought on radial increment and wood properties of Norway spruce T Jyske, T Hölttä, H Mäkinen, P Nöjd, I Lumme, H Spiecker Tree Physiology 30 (1), 103-115, 2010 | 109 | 2010 |
Comparison of phloem and xylem hydraulic architecture in Picea abies stems T Jyske, T Hölttä New phytologist 205 (1), 102-115, 2015 | 108 | 2015 |
Intra-annual tracheid production of Norway spruce and Scots pine across a latitudinal gradient in Finland T Jyske, H Mäkinen, T Kalliokoski, P Nöjd Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 194, 241-254, 2014 | 108 | 2014 |
Predicting wood and tracheid properties of Norway spruce H Mäkinen, T Jaakkola, R Piispanen, P Saranpää Forest Ecology and Management 241 (1-3), 175-188, 2007 | 95 | 2007 |
Wood density of Norway spruce: Responses to timing and intensity of first commercial thinning and fertilisation T Jaakkola, H Mäkinen, P Saranpää Forest Ecology and Management 237 (1-3), 513-521, 2006 | 81 | 2006 |
Osmolality and non-structural carbohydrate composition in the secondary phloem of trees across a latitudinal gradient in Europe A Lintunen, T Paljakka, T Jyske, M Peltoniemi, F Sterck, G Von Arx, ... Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 726, 2016 | 79 | 2016 |
Does thinning intensity affect the tracheid dimensions of Norway spruce? T Jaakkola, H Mäkinen, MP Sarén, P Saranpää Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35 (11), 2685-2697, 2005 | 71 | 2005 |
Yield of stilbene glucosides from the bark of young and old Norway spruce stems T Jyske, T Laakso, H Latva-Mäenpää, T Tapanila, P Saranpää Biomass and bioenergy 71, 216-227, 2014 | 62 | 2014 |
Tannins of conifer bark as Nordic piquancy—sustainable preservative and aroma? JE Raitanen, E Järvenpää, R Korpinen, S Mäkinen, J Hellström, ... Molecules 25 (3), 567, 2020 | 61 | 2020 |
Seasonal variation in formation, structure, and chemical properties of phloem in Picea abies as studied by novel microtechniques TM Jyske, JP Suuronen, AV Pranovich, T Laakso, U Watanabe, K Kuroda, ... Planta 242, 613-629, 2015 | 57 | 2015 |
Cascade processing of softwood bark with hot water extraction, pyrolysis and anaerobic digestion S Rasi, P Kilpeläinen, K Rasa, R Korpinen, JE Raitanen, M Vainio, ... Bioresource Technology 292, 121893, 2019 | 53 | 2019 |
Effect of soil water availability on intra-annual xylem and phloem formation and non-structural carbohydrate pools in stem of Quercus pubescens J Gričar, S Zavadlav, T Jyske, M Lavrič, T Laakso, P Hafner, K Eler, ... Tree Physiology 39 (2), 222-233, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
Enhancement of Norway spruce bark side-streams: Modification of bioactive and protective properties of stilbenoid-rich extracts by UVA-irradiation AL Välimaa, JE Raitanen, J Tienaho, T Sarjala, E Nakayama, R Korpinen, ... Industrial Crops and Products 145, 112150, 2020 | 40 | 2020 |