The effects of a language and literacy intervention on Head Start children and teachers. BA Wasik, MA Bond, A Hindman Journal of educational Psychology 98 (1), 63, 2006 | 1010 | 2006 |
Teacher qualifications, classroom practices, family characteristics, and preschool experience: Complex effects on first graders' vocabulary and early reading outcomes CMD Connor, SH Son, AH Hindman, FJ Morrison Journal of school psychology 43 (4), 343-375, 2005 | 529 | 2005 |
Untangling the effects of shared book reading: Multiple factors and their associations with preschool literacy outcomes AH Hindman, CM Connor, AM Jewkes, FJ Morrison Early Childhood Research Quarterly 23 (3), 330-350, 2008 | 460 | 2008 |
Improving vocabulary and pre-literacy skills of at-risk preschoolers through teacher professional development. BA Wasik, AH Hindman Journal of educational psychology 103 (2), 455, 2011 | 435 | 2011 |
Book reading and vocabulary development: A systematic review BA Wasik, AH Hindman, EK Snell Early Childhood Research Quarterly 37, 39-57, 2016 | 405 | 2016 |
Exploring the variety of parental talk during shared book reading and its contributions to preschool language and literacy: Evidence from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study … AH Hindman, LE Skibbe, TD Foster Reading and Writing 27, 287-313, 2014 | 287 | 2014 |
Ecological contexts and early learning: Contributions of child, family, and classroom factors during Head Start, to literacy and mathematics growth through first grade AH Hindman, LE Skibbe, A Miller, M Zimmerman Early childhood research quarterly 25 (2), 235-250, 2010 | 248 | 2010 |
Head Start teachers’ beliefs about language and literacy instruction AH Hindman, BA Wasik Early childhood research quarterly 23 (4), 479-492, 2008 | 238 | 2008 |
Differential contributions of three parenting dimensions to preschool literacy and social skills in a middle-income sample AH Hindman, FJ Morrison Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 58 (2), 191-223, 2012 | 200 | 2012 |
Shared book reading and Head Start preschoolers' vocabulary learning: The role of book-related discussion and curricular connections AH Hindman, BA Wasik, AC Erhart Early Education & Development 23 (4), 451-474, 2012 | 180 | 2012 |
Closing the 30 million word gap: Next steps in designing research to inform practice AH Hindman, BA Wasik, EK Snell Child Development Perspectives 10 (2), 134-139, 2016 | 152 | 2016 |
Understanding the active ingredients in an effective preschool vocabulary intervention: An exploratory study of teacher and child talk during book reading BA Wasik, AH Hindman Early Education and Development 25 (7), 1035-1056, 2014 | 131 | 2014 |
The contributions of parental management language to executive function in preschool children SW Bindman, AH Hindman, RP Bowles, FJ Morrison Early childhood research quarterly 28 (3), 529-539, 2013 | 125 | 2013 |
How classroom conversations unfold: Exploring teacher–child exchanges during shared book reading AH Hindman, BA Wasik, DE Bradley Early Education and Development 30 (4), 478-495, 2019 | 121 | 2019 |
Family involvement and educator outreach in Head Start: Nature, extent, and contributions to early literacy skills AH Hindman, FJ Morrison The Elementary School Journal 111 (3), 359-386, 2011 | 106 | 2011 |
Longitudinal relations between parental writing support and preschoolers' language and literacy skills LE Skibbe, SW Bindman, AH Hindman, D Aram, FJ Morrison Reading Research Quarterly 48 (4), 387-401, 2013 | 104 | 2013 |
Building vocabulary in two languages: An examination of Spanish-speaking dual language learners in Head Start AH Hindman, BA Wasik Early Childhood Research Quarterly 31, 19-33, 2015 | 103 | 2015 |
A portrait of family involvement during Head Start: Nature, extent, and predictors AH Hindman, AL Miller, LC Froyen, LE Skibbe Early Childhood Research Quarterly 27 (4), 654-667, 2012 | 100 | 2012 |
Bringing the science of reading to preservice elementary teachers: Tools that bridge research and practice AH Hindman, FJ Morrison, CMD Connor, JA Connor Reading Research Quarterly 55, S197-S206, 2020 | 97 | 2020 |
Increasing preschoolers’ vocabulary development through a streamlined teacher professional development intervention BA Wasik, AH Hindman Early Childhood Research Quarterly 50, 101-113, 2020 | 96 | 2020 |