Amir Reza Mamdoohi
Amir Reza Mamdoohi
Tarbiat Modares University & Adjunct Professor, Montreal Polytechnique
Zweryfikowany adres z modares.ac.ir - Strona główna
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Cytowane przez
Risk perceptions, fatalism and driver behaviors in Turkey and Iran
Ö Şimşekoğlu, T Nordfjærn, MF Zavareh, AM Hezaveh, AR Mamdoohi, ...
Safety science 59, 187-192, 2013
A general formulation for time-to-collision safety indicator
M Saffarzadeh, N Nadimi, S Naseralavi, AR Mamdoohi
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport 166 (5), 294-304, 2013
Walking time to school, children's active school travel and their related factors
M Mehdizadeh, AR Mamdoohi, T Nordfjaern
Journal of Transport & Health 6, 313-326, 2017
Population synthesis using iterative proportional fitting (IPF): A review and future research
AA Choupani, AR Mamdoohi
Transportation Research Procedia 17, 223-233, 2016
The role of socio-economic, built environment and psychological factors in parental mode choice for their children in an Iranian setting
M Mehdizadeh, T Nordfjaern, AR Mamdoohi
Transportation 45, 523-543, 2018
Road traffic culture and personality traits related to traffic safety in Turkish and Iranian samples
T Nordfjærn, Ö Şimşekoğlu, MF Zavareh, AM Hezaveh, AR Mamdoohi, ...
Safety science 66, 36-46, 2014
The role of parental risk judgements, transport safety attitudes, transport priorities and accident experiences on pupils’ walking to school
M Mehdizadeh, T Nordfjaern, AR Mamdoohi, AS Mohaymany
Accident Analysis & Prevention 102, 60-71, 2017
Impact of carpooling on fuel saving in urban transportation: case study of Tehran
S Seyedabrishami, A Mamdoohi, A Barzegar, S Hasanpour
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 54, 323-331, 2012
Autonomous vehicles acceptance: A perceived risk extension of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology and diffusion of innovation, evidence from Tehran, Iran
I Farzin, AR Mamdoohi, F Ciari
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (13), 2663-2672, 2023
Environmental norms and sustainable transport mode choice on children’s school travels: The norm-activation theory
M Mehdizadeh, T Nordfjaern, AR Mamdoohi
International journal of sustainable transportation 14 (2), 137-149, 2020
An analysis of reported driver behaviour in samples of domestic and expatriate Iranians
T Nordfjærn, AM Hezaveh, AR Mamdoohi
Journal of Risk Research 18 (5), 566-580, 2015
The effects of indicating rear-end collision risk via variable message signs on traffic behaviour
MF Zavareh, AR Mamdoohi, T Nordfjærn
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 46, 524-536, 2017
Comparative analysis of safety performance indicators based on inductive loop detector data
AR Mamdoohi, M Fallah Zavareh, C Hydén, T Nordfjærn
PROMET-Traffic&Transportation 26 (2), 139-149, 2014
Shopping destination choice in Tehran: An integrated choice and latent variable approach
A Mahpour, A Mamdoohi, T HosseinRashidi, B Schmid, KW Axhausen
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 58, 566-580, 2018
Modeling air passengers’ ground access mode choice a case study of IKIA
AR Mamdoohi, M Saffarzade, A Taherpour, MY Panah
International Journal of Modeling and Optimization 2 (2), 147-152, 2012
Predictors of self-reported crashes among Iranian drivers: Exploratory analysis of an extended driver behavior questionnaire
A Mohamadi Hezaveh, T Nordfjærn, AR Mamdoohi, Ö Şimşekoğlu
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 30 (1), 35-43, 2018
The effect of distance intervals on walking likelihood in different trip purposes
E Macioszek, A Karami, I Farzin, M Abbasi, AR Mamdoohi, C Piccioni
Sustainability 14 (6), 3406, 2022
Car ownership models in Iran: A review of methods and determinants
M Shaygan, A Mamdoohi, HE Masoumi
Transport and Telecommunication 18 (1), 45, 2017
Impact of built environment on walking in the case of Tehran, Iran
F Ahmadipour, AR Mamdoohi, A Wulf-Holger
Journal of Transport & Health 22, 101083, 2021
The role of attitude, travel-related, and socioeconomic characteristics in modal shift to shared autonomous vehicles with ride sharing
M Aboutorabi Kashani, M Abbasi, AR Mamdoohi, G Sierpiński
World Electric Vehicle Journal 14 (1), 23, 2023
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