Two wavelength Mueller matrix reconstruction of blood plasma films polycrystalline structure in diagnostics of breast cancer VA Ushenko, OV Dubolazov, AO Karachevtsev Applied optics 53 (10), B128-B139, 2014 | 81 | 2014 |
3D Mueller matrix mapping of layered distributions of depolarisation degree for analysis of prostate adenoma and carcinoma diffuse tissues VA Ushenko, BT Hogan, A Dubolazov, G Piavchenko, SL Kuznetsov, ... Scientific reports 11 (1), 5162, 2021 | 78 | 2021 |
Mueller-matrix diagnostics of optical properties of polycrystalline networks of human blood plasma YA Ushenko, VA Ushenko, AV Dubolazov, VO Balanetskaya, ... Optics and Spectroscopy 112, 884-892, 2012 | 78 | 2012 |
3D Mueller-matrix diffusive tomography of polycrystalline blood films for cancer diagnosis V Ushenko, A Sdobnov, A Syvokorovskaya, A Dubolazov, O Vanchulyak, ... Photonics 5 (4), 54, 2018 | 75 | 2018 |
Complementary analysis of Mueller-matrix images of optically anisotropic highly scattering biological tissues M Borovkova, M Peyvasteh, O Dubolazov, Y Ushenko, V Ushenko, ... Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications 14, 1-8, 2018 | 73 | 2018 |
Mueller-matrix of laser-induced autofluorescence of polycrystalline films of dried peritoneal fluid in diagnostics of endometriosis YA Ushenko, GD Koval, AG Ushenko, OV Dubolazov, VA Ushenko, ... Journal of Biomedical Optics 21 (7), 071116-071116, 2016 | 72 | 2016 |
Polarization-dependent laser autofluorescence of the polycrystalline networks of blood plasma films in the task of liver pathology differentiation VP Prysyazhnyuk, YA Ushenko, AV Dubolazov, AG Ushenko, ... Applied optics 55 (12), B126-B132, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
Mueller-matrices polarization selection of two-dimensional linear and circular birefringence images VA Ushenko, NI Zabolotna, SV Pavlov, DM Burcovets, OY Novakovska Eleventh International Conference on Correlation Optics 9066, 560-571, 2013 | 71 | 2013 |
Embossed topographic depolarisation maps of biological tissues with different morphological structures VA Ushenko, BT Hogan, A Dubolazov, AV Grechina, TV Boronikhina, ... Scientific Reports 11 (1), 3871, 2021 | 70 | 2021 |
Spatial-frequency polarization phasometry of biological polycrystalline networks VO Ushenko Optical Memory and Neural Networks 22, 56-64, 2013 | 70 | 2013 |
Mueller-matrix-based polarization imaging and quantitative assessment of optically anisotropic polycrystalline networks M Borovkova, L Trifonyuk, V Ushenko, O Dubolazov, O Vanchulyak, ... PloS one 14 (5), e0214494, 2019 | 69 | 2019 |
Wavelet-analysis of polarization maps of human blood plasma YA Ushenko, AV Dubolazov, VO Balanetskaya, AO Karachevtsev, ... Optics and Spectroscopy 113, 332-343, 2012 | 68 | 2012 |
Correlation and self similarity structure of polycrystalline network biological layers Mueller matrices images VA Ushenko, AV Dubolazov Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXVI 8856, 694-699, 2013 | 66 | 2013 |
Complex degree of mutual anisotropy of linear birefringence and optical activity of biological tissues in diagnostics of prostate cancer VA Ushenko, MP Gorsky Optics and Spectroscopy 115, 290-297, 2013 | 64 | 2013 |
Statistical analysis of polarization-inhomogeneous Fourier spectra of laser radiation scattered by human skin in the tasks of differentiation of benign and malignant formations AG Ushenko, AV Dubolazov, VA Ushenko, OY Novakovskaya Journal of Biomedical Optics 21 (7), 071110-071110, 2016 | 62 | 2016 |
Spatial‐Frequency Azimuthally Stable Cartography of Biological Polycrystalline Networks VA Ushenko, ND Pavlyukovich, L Trifonyuk International Journal of Optics 2013 (1), 683174, 2013 | 60 | 2013 |
Jones-matrix mapping of complex degree of mutual anisotropy of birefringent protein networks during the differentiation of myocardium necrotic changes YA Ushenko, VT Bachynsky, OY Vanchulyak, AV Dubolazov, ... Applied Optics 55 (12), B113-B119, 2016 | 59 | 2016 |
Azimuthally invariant Mueller-matrix mapping of biological tissue in differential diagnosis of mechanisms protein molecules networks an sotropy VA Ushenko, MS Gavrylyak Biosensing and Nanomedicine VI 8812, 76-83, 2013 | 55 | 2013 |
3D Mueller-matrix-based azimuthal invariant tomography of polycrystalline structure within benign and malignant soft-tissue tumours M Peyvasteh, L Tryfonyuk, V Ushenko, AV Syvokorovskaya, A Dubolazov, ... Laser Physics Letters 17 (11), 115606, 2020 | 51 | 2020 |
Biomedical applications of Jones-matrix tomography to polycrystalline films of biological fluids VA Ushenko, AY Sdobnov, WD Mishalov, AV Dubolazov, OV Olar, ... Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 12 (06), 1950017, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |