Dr. I. M. Khan
Dr. I. M. Khan
SKN Agricultural University, Jobner
Zweryfikowany adres z sknau.ac.in
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
I Khan
Jamal, A, 2015
Dimension reduction and remedy of multicollinearity using latent variable regression methods
S Ramzan, IM Khan
World Applied Science Journal 8 (4), 404-410, 2010
Growth, yield and nutrient content of blackgram (Vigna mungo) as influenced by levels of phosphorus, sulphur and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria
AH Mir, SB Lal, M Salmani, M Abid, I Khan
SAARC Journal of Agriculture 11 (1), 1-6, 2013
Preclinical profile of bacopasides from Bacopa monnieri (BM) as an emerging class of therapeutics for management of chronic pains
K Rauf, F Subhan, AM Al-Othman, I Khan, A Zarrelli, MR Shah
Current medicinal chemistry 20 (8), 1028-1037, 2013
Utilization Pattern of different sources and channels of Agriculture Information used by the fenugreek growers
IMKMK B. S. Yadav
Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 11 (1), 44-49, 2011
Constraints faced by the organic and conventional farmers in adoption of organic farming practices
IMKSS M. K.Jangid
Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 2, 28-32, 2012
Pinhole castration technique: An alternative to orchiectomy in stray dogs
MA Baba, MR Fazili, H Athar, MS Mir, BA Moulvi, I Khan
Animal Reproduction Science 137 (1-2), 113-118, 2013
Drought response indices for identification of drought tolerant genotypes in rainfed upland rice (Oryza sativa L.)
IM Khan, OP Dhurve
Int J Sci Environ Technol 5 (1), 73-83, 2016
Evaluation of pinhole castration technique in rams
MR Fazili, HK Bhattacharyya, BA Buchoo, MA Kirmani, MM Darzi, I Khan
Small Ruminant Research 84 (1-3), 61-64, 2009
Knowledge level of beneficiary and non-beneficiary farmers about FLD regarding improved mustard production technology in Sikar District of Rajasthan.
B.L. Asiwal, , Sangram Singh and I.M. Khan
Rajasthan Journal of Extension Education 16, 119-123, 2008
Rice based cropping system and climate change
RK Tiwari, A Jha, SK Tripathi, IM Khan, SK Rao
JNKVV Res J 47 (1), 239-247, 2013
Proximate chemical composition and antimicrobial activities of fixed oils from Diospyros lotus L
G Uddin, A Rauf, BS Siddiqui, M Arfan, IU Rahman, I Khan
Med chem 3, 282-285, 2013
Testing of herbicides at various doses on the growth stages of wild onion grown in pots
IM Khan, G Hassan, I Khan, KB Marwat
Sarhad J. Agric 27 (1), 85-91, 2011
Chemical weed control in wheat through on form demonstrations in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh
RK Tiwari, IM Khan, N Singh, A Jha
Indian Society of Weed Science 43 (3and4), 215-216, 2011
Technologies for water-saving irrigation in rice
S Singh, UN Shukla, IM Khan, A Sharma, K Pawar, D Srivastawa, ...
International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Technology 4 (6), 531-536, 2013
Effect of bulb density, nitrogen application time and deheading on growth, yield and relative economics of daffodil cv. Tunis (Narcissus sp.)
I Khan, F Khan, M Salmani, M Khan, M Mir, A Hassan
African Journal of Agricultural Research 8 (31), 4189-4193, 2013
Fertility status of artificially inseminated crossbred cows of Kashmir valley.
HK Bhattacharyya, MR Fazili, I Khan, FA Bhat
Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and economics of little millet (Panicurn sumatrense roth exRoem, and Schult).
SK Parihar, BS Dwivedi, IM Khan, RK Tiwari
Extent of utilization of different ICT tools by the Teachers of Agricultural Universities
BS Vikas Kumar, Khan, I.M., Sisodia S.S. and Badhala
Indian Journal of Extension Education 55 (3), 69-74, 2019
Comparison of the analgesic effects of meloxicam with those of ketoprofen in male stray dogs undergoing pinhole castration.
MA Baba, MR Fazili, BA Molvi, H Athar, I Khan
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