Andrés García Gómez
Andrés García Gómez
Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria). Universidad de
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Cytowane przez
Surface water resources assessment in scarcely gauged basins in the north of Spain
A García, A Sainz, JA Revilla, C Álvarez, JA Juanes, A Puente
Journal of Hydrology 356 (3-4), 312-326, 2008
Artificial neural networks as emulators of process-based models to analyse bathing water quality in estuaries
J García-Alba, JF Bárcena, C Ugarteburu, A García
Water research 150, 283-295, 2019
Ecological assessment of soft bottom benthic communities in northern Spanish estuaries
A Puente, JA Juanes, A García, C Álvarez, JA Revilla, I Carranza
Ecological Indicators 8 (4), 373-388, 2008
Spatial and temporal flushing time approach in estuaries influenced by river and tide. An application in Suances Estuary (Northern Spain)
JF Bárcena, A García, AG Gómez, C Álvarez, JA Juanes, JA Revilla
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 112, 40-51, 2012
Estimated distributed rainfall interception using a simple conceptual model and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
FV Galdos, C Álvarez, A García, JA Revilla
Journal of Hydrology 468, 213-228, 2012
Differential distribution pattern of native Ruditapes decussatus and introduced Ruditapes phillippinarum clam populations in the Bay of Santander (Gulf of Biscay …
JA Juanes, G Bidegain, B Echavarri-Erasun, A Puente, A García, A García, ...
Ocean & coastal management 69, 316-326, 2012
Assesment of the response of a shallow macrotidal estuary to changes in hydrological and wastewater inputs through numerical modelling
A García, JA Juanes, C Álvarez, JA Revilla, R Medina
Ecological Modelling 221 (8), 1194-1208, 2010
Assessing the risk of marine litter accumulation in estuarine habitats
I Mazarrasa, A Puente, P Núñez, A García, AJ Abascal, JA Juanes
Marine pollution bulletin 144, 117-128, 2019
Predicting coexistence and predominance patterns between the introduced Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) and the European native clam (Ruditapes decussatus)
G Bidegain, JF Bárcena, A García, JA Juanes
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 152, 162-172, 2015
LARVAHS: predicting clam larval dispersal and recruitment using habitat suitability-based particle tracking model
G Bidegain, JF Bárcena, A García, JA Juanes
Ecological Modelling 268, 78-92, 2013
Modeling future scenarios of light attenuation and potential seagrass success in a eutrophic estuary
P del Barrio, NK Ganju, AL Aretxabaleta, M Hayn, A García, RW Howarth
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 149, 13-23, 2014
A methodology to assess the probability of marine litter accumulation in estuaries
P Núñez, A García, I Mazarrasa, JA Juanes, AJ Abascal, F Méndez, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 144, 309-324, 2019
Selecting model scenarios of real hydrodynamic forcings on mesotidal and macrotidal estuaries influenced by river discharges using K-means clustering
JF Bárcena, P Camus, A García, C Álvarez
Environmental Modelling \& Software 68, 70-82, 2015
Methodology to assess sustainable management of water resources in coastal lagoons with agricultural uses: An application to the Albufera lagoon of Valencia (Eastern Spain)
OLU Perilla, AG Gómez, AG Gómez, CÁ Díaz, JAR Cortezón
Ecological Indicators 13 (1), 129-143, 2012
A model for predicting the temporal evolution of dissolved oxygen concentration in shallow estuaries
A Garcia, JA Revilla, R Medina, C Alvarez, JA Juanes
Nutrients and Eutrophication in Estuaries and Coastal Waters: Proceedings of …, 2002
A model for describing the eutrophication in a heavily regulated coastal lagoon. Application to the Albufera of Valencia (Spain)
P del Barrio Fernández, AG Gómez, JG Alba, CÁ Díaz, JAR Cortezón
Journal of environmental management 112, 340-352, 2012
Flushing time as a descriptor for heavily modified water bodies classification and management: Application to the Huelva Harbour
ML Sámano, JF Bárcena, A García, AG Gómez, C Álvarez, JA Revilla
Journal of environmental management 107, 37-44, 2012
Quantifying and mapping the vulnerability of estuaries to point-source pollution using a multi-metric assessment: The Estuarine Vulnerability Index (EVI)
JF Bárcena, AG Gómez, A García, C Álvarez, JA Juanes
Ecological Indicators 76, 159-169, 2017
Analysis of stratification patterns in river-influenced mesotidal and macrotidal estuaries using 3D hydrodynamic modelling and K-means clustering
JF Bárcena, J García-Alba, A García, C Álvarez
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 181, 1-13, 2016
Surface analysis of free surface and velocity to changes in river flow and tidal amplitude on a shallow mesotidal estuary: An application in Suances Estuary (Nothern Spain)
JF Bárcena, A García, J García, C Álvarez, JA Revilla
Journal of Hydrology 420, 301-318, 2012
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