Philippe Lognonné
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Seismic detection of the lunar core
RC Weber, PY Lin, EJ Garnero, Q Williams, P Lognonné
science 331 (6015), 309-312, 2011
Initial results from the InSight mission on Mars
WB Banerdt, SE Smrekar, D Banfield, D Giardini, M Golombek, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (3), 183-189, 2020
Ionospheric detection of gravity waves induced by tsunamis
J Artru, V Ducic, H Kanamori, P Lognonné, M Murakami
Geophysical Journal International 160 (3), 840-848, 2005
SEIS: Insight’s seismic experiment for internal structure of Mars
P Lognonné, WB Banerdt, D Giardini, WT Pike, U Christensen, P Laudet, ...
Space Science Reviews 215, 1-170, 2019
Very preliminary reference Moon model
RF Garcia, J Gagnepain-Beyneix, S Chevrot, P Lognonné
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 188 (1-2), 96-113, 2011
A new seismic model of the Moon: implications for structure, thermal evolution and formation of the Moon
P Lognonné, J Gagnepain-Beyneix, H Chenet
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 211 (1-2), 27-44, 2003
The seismicity of Mars
D Giardini, P Lognonné, WB Banerdt, WT Pike, U Christensen, S Ceylan, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (3), 205-212, 2020
Constraints on the shallow elastic and anelastic structure of Mars from InSight seismic data
P Lognonné, WB Banerdt, WT Pike, D Giardini, U Christensen, RF Garcia, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (3), 213-220, 2020
Seismic detection of the martian core
SC Stähler, A Khan, WB Banerdt, P Lognonné, D Giardini, S Ceylan, ...
Science 373 (6553), 443-448, 2021
The atmosphere of Mars as observed by InSight
D Banfield, A Spiga, C Newman, F Forget, M Lemmon, R Lorenz, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (3), 190-198, 2020
Ionospheric remote sensing of the Denali Earthquake Rayleigh surface waves
V Ducic, J Artru, P Lognonné
Geophysical research letters 30 (18), 2003
Acoustic waves generated from seismic surface waves: Propagation properties determined from Doppler sounding observations and normal-mode modelling
J Artru, T Farges, P Lognonné
Geophysical Journal International 158 (3), 1067-1077, 2004
Thickness and structure of the Martian crust from InSight seismic data
B Knapmeyer-Endrun, MP Panning, F Bissig, R Joshi, A Khan, D Kim, ...
Science 373 (6553), 438-443, 2021
A seismic model of the lunar mantle and constraints on temperature and mineralogy
J Gagnepain-Beyneix, P Lognonné, H Chenet, D Lombardi, T Spohn
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 159 (3-4), 140-166, 2006
The resonant response of the ionosphere imaged after the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
LM Rolland, P Lognonné, E Astafyeva, EA Kherani, N Kobayashi, M Mann, ...
Earth, planets and space 63, 853-857, 2011
From Sumatra 2004 to Tohoku‐Oki 2011: The systematic GPS detection of the ionospheric signature induced by tsunamigenic earthquakes
G Occhipinti, L Rolland, P Lognonné, S Watada
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (6), 3626-3636, 2013
Three‐dimensional waveform modeling of ionospheric signature induced by the 2004 Sumatra tsunami
G Occhipinti, P Lognonné, EA Kherani, H Hébert
Geophysical research letters 33 (20), 2006
Selection of the InSight landing site
M Golombek, D Kipp, N Warner, IJ Daubar, R Fergason, RL Kirk, R Beyer, ...
Space Science Reviews 211, 5-95, 2017
Planetary seismology
P Lognonné
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 33 (1), 571-604, 2005
The effects of the atmospheric pressure changes on seismic signals or how to improve the quality of a station
R Beauduin, P Lognonné, JP Montagner, S Cacho, JF Karczewski, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 86 (6), 1760-1769, 1996
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