Standards in herpetology and ichthyology: Part I. Standard symbolic codes for institutional resource collections in herpetology and ichthyology AE Leviton, RH Gibbs, E Heal, CE Dawson Copeia, 802-832, 1985 | 3211 | 1985 |
On the identification, distribution, and biology of the dolphins, Coryphaena hippurus and C. equiselis RH Gibbs Jr, BB Collette Bulletin of Marine Science 9 (2), 117-152, 1959 | 220 | 1959 |
Comparative anatomy and systematics of the tunas, genus Thunnus G RH Fish. Bull. US Fish. Wild Serv. 66, 65-130, 1967 | 190 | 1967 |
Family Melanostomiatidae JE Morrow, RH Gibbs Fishes of the western North Atlantic 1 (Part 4), 351-522, 1964 | 76 | 1964 |
Cyprinid fishes of the subgenus Cyprinella of Notropis: I. Systematic status of the subgenus Cyprinella, with a key to the species exclusive of the lutrensis-ornatus complex RH Gibbs Copeia 1957 (3), 185-195, 1957 | 63 | 1957 |
Heavy metal concentrations in museum fish specimens: Effects of preservatives and time RH Gibbs Jr, E Jarosewich, HL Windom Science 184 (4135), 475-477, 1974 | 62 | 1974 |
Taxonomy and distribution of the stomioid fish genus Eustomias (Melanostomiidae), I: subgenus Nominostomias RH Gibbs Jr, TA Clarke, JR Gomon | 58 | 1983 |
Family Astronesthidae RH Gibbs Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale Univ., 1964 | 57 | 1964 |
Taxonomy, sexual dimorphism, vertical distribution, and evolutionary zoogeography of the bathypelagic fish genus Stomias (Stomiatidae) RH Gibbs Jr | 55 | 1969 |
Alepisaurus Brevirostris, a New Species of Lancefish from the Western North Atlantic RH Gibbs Jr | 46 | 1960 |
Ocean Acre: Preliminary report on vertical distribution of fishes and cephalopods RH Gibbs Jr, CFE Roper Proceedings of an international symposium on biological sound scattering in …, 1971 | 44 | 1971 |
Systematics and zoogeography of the stomiatoid fishes, Chauliodus pammelas and C. sloani, of the Indian Ocean RH Gibbs Jr, BA Hurwitz Copeia, 798-805, 1967 | 37 | 1967 |
Family Melamphaidae, Bigscales MJ Keene, RH Gibbs Jr, WH Krueger Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 452, 169-187, 1987 | 35 | 1987 |
Notropis signipinnis, a new cyprinid fish from southeastern United States RM Bailey, RD Suttkus University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, 1952 | 35* | 1952 |
A preliminary review of the fishes of the family Scombridae BB CoLLETTE, RH Gibbs Jr FAO Fish. Rep 6 (1), 23-32, 1963 | 33 | 1963 |
Biology of midwater fishes of the Bermuda Ocean Acre RH Gibbs Jr, WH Krueger | 31 | 1987 |
Melanostomiidae RH Gibbs Jr, MA Barnett Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA). JNICT …, 1990 | 29 | 1990 |
Mediterranean biological studies RH Goodyear, RH Gibbs Jr, CFE Roper, RC Kleckner, MJ Sweeney Smithson. Institution Washington DC Rep, 1-278, 1972 | 29 | 1972 |
Family Alepisauridae RH Gibbs, NJ Wilimovsky Orders Iniomi and Lyomeri, 482-497, 1966 | 29 | 1966 |
Taxonomic study of the tunas T Iwai, I Nakamura, K Matsubara, RH Gibbs Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Ichthyological Laboratory, US National Museum, 1965 | 28 | 1965 |