The changing governance structures of the global pharmaceutical value chain SJ Haakonsson Competition & Change 13 (1), 75-95, 2009 | 71 | 2009 |
A co-evolutionary perspective on the drivers of international sourcing of pharmaceutical R&D to India SJ Haakonsson, PDØ Jensen, SM Mudambi Journal of Economic Geography 13 (4), 677-700, 2013 | 55 | 2013 |
TRIPs and public health: the Doha Declaration and Africa SJ Haakonsson, LA Richey Development policy review 25 (1), 71-90, 2007 | 42 | 2007 |
Catching up through green windows of opportunity in an era of technological transformation: Empirical evidence from the Chinese wind energy sector Y Dai, S Haakonsson, L Oehler Industrial and Corporate Change 29 (5), 1277-1295, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Technology transmission across national innovation systems: The role of Danish suppliers in upgrading the wind energy industry in China SJ Haakonsson, D Slepniov The European Journal of Development Research 30 (3), 462-480, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
‘Learning by importing’in global value chains: upgrading and South–South strategies in the Ugandan pharmaceutical industry SJ Haakonsson Development Southern Africa 26 (3), 499-516, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
Internationalisation of R&D: New insights into multinational enterprises' R&D strategies in emerging markets SJ Haakonsson, V Ujjual management revue, 101-122, 2015 | 27 | 2015 |
The decomposition of innovation in Europe and China’s catch-up in wind power technology: the role of KIBS S Haakonsson, JK Kirkegaard, R Lema European Planning Studies 28 (11), 2174-2192, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Configuration of technology networks in the wind turbine industry. A comparative study of technology management models in European and Chinese lead firms SJ Haakonsson, JK Kirkegaard International Journal of Technology Management 70 (4), 281-299, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
Access to ARV treatment: Aid, trade and governance in Uganda LA Richey, S Jessen Haakonsson DIIS Working Paper, 2004 | 20 | 2004 |
The transformative capacity of public sector organizations in sustainability transitions: A conceptualization S Borrás, SJ Haakonsson, RT Poulsen, T Pallesen, C Hendriksen, ... Centre for Innovation Research (CIRCLE), Lund University, 2023 | 18 | 2023 |
Corporate scramble for Africa? Towards a postcolonial framework for transglocal development governance J Gammelgaard, S Haakonsson, SN Just Organization Studies 41 (9), 1213-1233, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
The globalization of innovation in the Danish food industry: Exploitation and exploration of emerging markets SJ Haakonsson Innovation and Development 2 (2), 230-247, 2012 | 13 | 2012 |
Offshoring of innovation: Global innovation networks in the Danish biotech industry S Haakonsson The offshoring challenge: Strategic design and innovation for tomorrow’s …, 2013 | 11 | 2013 |
How does ‘linking up with global buyers’ impact the prospects for upgrading in pharmaceuticals? The case of India SJ Haakonsson Transnational corporations and development policy: critical perspectives …, 2009 | 10 | 2009 |
Linking Malawi’s agricultural sector to global value chains: The case for community governance J Gammelgaard, S Haakonsson, SN Just Journal of International Business Policy 4 (4), 523-540, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Catching up through techno-economic paradigm shifts in an era of green transformation: empirical evidence from the Chinese wind energy sector Y Dai, S Haakonsson, L Oehler Industrial and Corporate Change 29 (5), 1277-1295, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Global Innovation Networks S Borras, S Hakonsson Evidence and Policy Challenge, 2012 | 8* | 2012 |
Understanding innovation spaces through emerging multinational enterprises in China: an explorative case study of a Chinese wind turbine manufacturer D Slepniov, AH Lassen, SJ Haakonsson, M McKelvey Innovation Spaces in Asia, 103-123, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Globalization of Innovation: The Moderating Role of Project-level Investment Strategy and Country Type in Location Choicee for R&D-related FDI E Choquette, SJ Haakonsson, PDØ Jensen, SF Nielsen Transnational Corporations Journal 28 (2), 2021 | 5 | 2021 |