Joseph Le Roux
Joseph Le Roux
Université Paris 13
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# hardtoparse: POS Tagging and Parsing the Twitterverse
J Foster, Ö Çetinoglu, J Wagner, J Le Roux, S Hogan, J Nivre, D Hogan, ...
AAAI 2011 workshop on analyzing microtext, 20-25, 2011
From news to comment: Resources and benchmarks for parsing the language of web 2.0
J Foster, O Cetinoglu, J Wagner, J Le Roux, J Nivre, D Hogan, ...
Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, 2011
Xmg: extensible metagrammar
B Crabbé, D Duchier, C Gardent, JL Roux, Y Parmentier
Computational Linguistics 39 (3), 591-629, 2013
MACAON an NLP tool suite for processing word lattices
A Nasr, F Béchet, JF Rey, B Favre, J Le Roux
Proceedings of the ACL-HLT 2011 System Demonstrations, 86-91, 2011
Handling unknown words in statistical latent-variable parsing models for Arabic, English and French
M Attia, J Foster, D Hogan, J Le Roux, L Tounsi, J Van Genabith
Association for Computational Linguistics, 2010
The metagrammar compiler: An nlp application with a multi-paradigm architecture
D Duchier, J Le Roux, Y Parmentier
Multiparadigm Programming in Mozart/Oz: Second International Conference, MOZ …, 2005
Arabart: a pretrained arabic sequence-to-sequence model for abstractive summarization
MK Eddine, N Tomeh, N Habash, JL Roux, M Vazirgiannis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.10945, 2022
XMG: Un compilateur de méta-grammaires extensible
D Duchier, J Le Roux, Y Parmentier
12e Conférence Annuelle sur le Traitement Automatiques des Langues …, 2005
Characterization of microstrip antennas using the TLM simulation associated with a Prony‐Pisarenko method
JL Dubard, D Pompei, J Le Roux, A Papiernik
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices …, 1990
Lipn-core: Semantic text similarity using n-grams, wordnet, syntactic analysis, esa and information retrieval based features
D Buscaldi, J Le Roux, JJG Flores, A Popescu
Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, 63, 2013
Combining compound recognition and PCFG-LA parsing with word lattices and conditional random fields
M Constant, JL Roux, A Sigogne
ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing (TSLP) 10 (3), 1-24, 2013
Syntactic parsing and compound recognition via dual decomposition: Application to French
J Le Roux, A Rozenknop, M Constant
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th international conference on …, 2014
DCU-Paris13 systems for the SANCL 2012 shared task
J Le Roux, J Foster, J Wagner, RSZ Kaljahi, A Bryl
NAACL 2012, 1-4, 2012
Foreebank: Syntactic analysis of customer support forums
R Kaljahi, J Foster, J Roturier, C Ribeyre, T Lynn, J Le Roux
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2015
Efficient discontinuous phrase-structure parsing via the generalized maximum spanning arborescence
C Corro, J Le Roux, M Lacroix
2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 1644-1654, 2017
Statistical parsing of Spanish and data driven lemmatization
J Le Roux, B Sagot, D Seddah
ACL 2012 Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of …, 2012
Calcul de similarité entre phrases: quelles mesures et quels descripteurs?
D Buscaldi, G Felhi, D Ghoul, J Le Roux, G Lejeune, X Zhang
6e conference conjointe Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole (JEP, 33e edition …, 2020
Semi-supervised dependency parsing using lexical affinities
SA Mirroshandel, A Nasr, J Le Roux
ACL, q, 2012
Feature unification in TAG derivation trees
S Schmitz, JL Roux
arXiv preprint arXiv:0804.4584, 2008
Deep lexical segmentation and syntactic parsing in the easy-first dependency framework
M Constant, J Le Roux, N Tomeh
Proceedings of the 2016 conference of the north American chapter of the …, 2016
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