Orchestration of microservices for iot using docker and edge computing M Alam, J Rufino, J Ferreira, SH Ahmed, N Shah, Y Chen IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (9), 118-123, 2018 | 214 | 2018 |
Big data privacy preserving in multi-access edge computing for heterogeneous Internet of Things M Du, K Wang, Y Chen, X Wang, Y Sun IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (8), 62-67, 2018 | 196 | 2018 |
ZIL: An energy-efficient indoor localization system using ZigBee radio to detect WiFi fingerprints J Niu, B Wang, L Shu, TQ Duong, Y Chen IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (7), 1431-1442, 2015 | 151 | 2015 |
Deep learning for secure mobile edge computing in cyber-physical transportation systems Y Chen, Y Zhang, S Maharjan, M Alam, T Wu IEEE Network 33 (4), 36-41, 2019 | 99 | 2019 |
Industrial internet of things-based collaborative sensing intelligence: framework and research challenges Y Chen, GM Lee, L Shu, N Crespi Sensors 16 (2), 215, 2016 | 98 | 2016 |
Convolutional neural network for the semantic segmentation of remote sensing images M Alam, JF Wang, C Guangpei, LV Yunrong, Y Chen Mobile Networks and Applications 26, 200-215, 2021 | 96 | 2021 |
When mobile crowd sensing meets traditional industry L Shu, Y Chen, Z Huo, N Bergmann, L Wang Ieee Access 5, 15300-15307, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
Jamming and eavesdropping defense in green cyber–physical transportation systems using a Stackelberg game K Wang, L Yuan, T Miyazaki, Y Chen, Y Zhang IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (9), 4232-4242, 2018 | 73 | 2018 |
A multi-objective hybrid cloud resource scheduling method based on deadline and cost constraints L Zuo, L Shu, S Dong, Y Chen, L Yan IEEE access 5, 22067-22080, 2016 | 68 | 2016 |
Key-aggregate authentication cryptosystem for data sharing in dynamic cloud storage C Guo, N Luo, MZA Bhuiyan, Y Jie, Y Chen, B Feng, M Alam Future Generation Computer Systems 84, 190-199, 2018 | 66 | 2018 |
Blockchain-based secure computation offloading in vehicular networks X Zheng, M Li, Y Chen, J Guo, M Alam, W Hu IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (7), 4073-4087, 2020 | 63 | 2020 |
Traffic flow prediction with big data: A deep learning based time series model Y Chen, L Shu, L Wang 2017 IEEE conference on computer communications workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2017 | 60 | 2017 |
Deep Learning for Secure Mobile Edge Computing Y Chen, Y Zhang, S Maharjan CoRR abs/1709.08025, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
A Traffic Aware Segment-based Routing protocol for VANETs in urban scenarios S Khan, M Alam, M Fränzle, N Müllner, Y Chen Computers & Electrical Engineering 68, 447-462, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Reality mining: A prediction algorithm for disease dynamics based on mobile big data Y Chen, N Crespi, AM Ortiz, L Shu Information Sciences 379, 82-93, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |
Detecting the dangerous area of toxic gases with wireless sensor networks L Shu, Y Chen, Z Sun, F Tong, M Mukherjee IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 8 (1), 137-147, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
When Traffic Flow Prediction Meets Wireless Big Data Analytics Y Chen, M Guizani, Y Zhang, L Wang, N Crespi, GM Lee CoRR abs/1709.08024, 2017 | 42* | 2017 |
HSE-Voting: A secure high-efficiency electronic voting scheme based on homomorphic signcryption X Fan, T Wu, Q Zheng, Y Chen, M Alam, X Xiao Future Generation Computer Systems 111, 754-762, 2020 | 31 | 2020 |
Cloud-based data-intensive framework towards fault diagnosis in large-scale petrochemical plants Z Huo, M Mukherjee, L Shu, Y Chen, Z Zhou 2016 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference …, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
Image encryption using block based transformation with fractional Fourier transform D Cui, L Shu, Y Chen, X Wu 2013 8th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China …, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |