Cultures of the Eighth and Seventh Millennia BP in the Southern Levant: A Review for the 1990s A Gopher, R Gophna Journal of World Prehistory 7, 297-353, 1993 | 288 | 1993 |
The beginning of olive (Olea europaea) cultivation in the Old World: a reassessment N Liphschitz, R Gophna, M Hartman, G Biger Journal of Archaeological Science 18 (4), 441-453, 1991 | 287 | 1991 |
The settlements and population of Palestine during the Early Bronze Age II-III M Broshi, R Gophna Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 253 (1), 41-53, 1984 | 177 | 1984 |
Middle Bronze Age II Palestine: its settlements and population M Broshi, R Gophna Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 261 (1), 73-90, 1986 | 176 | 1986 |
Settlement and demographic processes in Israel's coastal plain from the Chalcolithic to the Middle Bronze Age R Gophna, J Portugali Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 269 (1), 11-28, 1988 | 171 | 1988 |
Settlement, demographic, and economic patterns in the highlands of Palestine in the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze periods and the beginning of urbanism I Finkelstein, R Gophna Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 289 (1), 1-22, 1993 | 156 | 1993 |
Aphek-Antipatris, Tel Poleg, Tel Zeror and Tel Burga: Four Fortified Sites of the Middle Bronze AgeIIA in the Sharon Plain M Kochavi, P Beck, R Gophna Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins Wiesbaden 95 (2), 121-165, 1979 | 131 | 1979 |
Early Bronze Age Canaan: some spatial and demographic observations R Gôfnâ, TE Levy The archaeology of society in the Holy Land, 269-280, 1995 | 121 | 1995 |
Earliest gold artifacts in the Levant A Gopher, T Tsuk, S Shalev, R Gophna Current Anthropology 31 (4), 436-443, 1990 | 96 | 1990 |
A Chalcolithic burial cave at Palmahim R Gophna, S Lifshitz Atiqot. English Series Jérusalem 14, 1-8, 1980 | 87 | 1980 |
Shifting urban landscapes during the Early Bronze Age in the land of Israel N Getzov, Y Paz, R Gophna Tel Aviv University, 2001 | 83 | 2001 |
Taur Ikhbeineh: earliest evidence for Egyptian interconections ED Oren, Y Yekutieli, R Gophna, Y Goren, O Marder nile delta in transition: 4th.-3rd. millennium bc: proceedings of the …, 1992 | 83 | 1992 |
Crisis, progress and urbanization: the transition from Early Bronze I to Early Bronze II in Palestine J Portugali, R Gophna Tel Aviv 20 (2), 164-186, 1993 | 78 | 1993 |
The Intermediate Bronze Age R Gôfnâ, A Ben-Tor The archaeology of ancient Israel, 126-158, 1992 | 78 | 1992 |
The animal remains from the Early and Middle Bronze Ages at Tel Aphek and Tel Dalit: a comparative study S Hellwing, R Gophna Tel Aviv 11 (1), 48-59, 1984 | 77 | 1984 |
The Rural Aspect of the Settlement Pattern of the Coastal Plain in the Middle Bronze Age II R Gophna, P Beck Tel Aviv 8 (1), 45-80, 1981 | 76 | 1981 |
Excavations at Tel Tsaf: an early Chalcolithic site in the Jordan Valley R Gophna, S Sadeh Tel Aviv 15 (1), 3-36, 1988 | 73 | 1988 |
Excavations at an Early Bronze Age Site near Nizzanim Y Yekutieli, R Gophna Tel Aviv 21 (2), 162-185, 1994 | 72 | 1994 |
The Settlement of the Coastal Plain of Eretz Israel during the Early Bronze Age R Gophna Tel-Aviv University, 1974 | 67 | 1974 |
Excavations at Ashqelon, Afridar—Area G.‘ E Braun, R Gophna Atiqot 45, 185-241, 2004 | 65 | 2004 |