Robust Observer-Based Control of Fractional-Order Systems With Gain Parametrization Y Boukal, M Darouach, M Zasadzinski, NE Radhy
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (11), 5710-5723, 2017
66 2017 Path following control of quadrotor UAV with continuous fractional-order super twisting sliding mode M Labbadi, Y Boukal, M Cherkaoui
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 100 (3), 1429-1451, 2020
59 2020 Fractional-order global sliding mode controller for an uncertain quadrotor UAVs subjected to external disturbances M Labbadi, Y Boukal, M Cherkaoui, M Djemai
Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2021
49 2021 Large-scale fractional-order systems: stability analysis and their decentralised functional observers design Y Boukal, M Darouach, M Zasadzinski, NE Radhy
IET Control Theory & Applications 12 (3), 359-367, 2017
22 2017 H∞ observer design for linear fractional-order systems in time and frequency domains Y Boukal, M Darouach, M Zasadzinski, NE Radhy
Control Conference (ECC), 2014 European, 2975-2980, 2014
22 2014 Robust functional observer design for uncertain fractional-order time-varying delay systems Y Boukal, M Zasadzinski, M Darouach, NE Radhy
American Control Conference (ACC), 2016, 2741-2746, 2016
21 2016 Machine learning predictions of lithium-ion battery state-of-health for eVTOL applications L Granado, M Ben-Marzouk, ES Saenz, Y Boukal, S Jugé
Journal of Power Sources 548, 232051, 2022
20 2022 Theoretical developments and applications of non-integer order systems S Domek, P Dworak
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 357, 2016
20 2016 Fractional-order nonsingular terminal sliding mode controller for a quadrotor with disturbances M Labbadi, AJ Muñoz-Vázquez, M Djemai, Y Boukal, M Zerrougui, ...
Applied Mathematical Modelling 111, 753-776, 2022
18 2022 Fractional order sliding mode control for the tracking problem of Quadrotor UAV under external disturbances M LABBADI, Y BOUKAL, M TALEB, M CHERKAOUI
2020 European Control Conference (ECC), 1595-1600, 2020
18 2020 Design of full and reduced orders observers for linear fractional-order systems in the time and frequency domains Y Boukal, NE Radhy, M Darouach, M Zasadzinski
Systems and Control (ICSC), 2013 3rd International Conference on, 171-176, 2013
18 2013 A General fractional-order heat transfer model for Photovoltaic/Thermal hybrid systems and its observer design L Ouhsaine, Y Boukal, M El Ganaoui, M Darouach, M Zasadzinski, ...
Energy Procedia 139, 49-54, 2017
16 2017 Design of Functional Fractional-Order Observers for Linear Time-Delay Fractional-Order Systems in the Time Domain Y Boukal, M Darouach, M Zasadzinski, NE Radhy
International IEEE Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Its …, 2014
14 2014 Stability and stabilizability analysis of fractional-order time-varying delay systems via diffusive representation Y Boukal, M Zasadzinski, M Darouach, NE Radhy
Systems and Control (ICSC), 2016 5th International Conference on, 262-266, 2016
12 2016 Robust H_ {\ infty} Observer-Based Stabilization of Disturbed Uncertain Fractional-Order Systems Using a Two-Step Procedure Y Boukal, M Zasadzinski, M Darouach, NE Radhy
Theoretical Developments and Applications of Non-Integer Order Systems, 167-180, 2016
12 2016 H∞ filters design for fractional-order time-varying delay systems Y Boukal, M Zasadzinski, M Darouach, NE Radhy
Control Conference (ECC), 2015 European, 1243-1248, 2015
12 2015 Fractional Order Time-Varying-Delay Systems: A Delay-Dependent Stability Criterion by Using Diffusive Representation Y Boukal, M Zasadzinski, M Darouach, NE Radhy
Mathematical Techniques of Fractional Order Systems, 133-158, 2018
11 2018 Robust observer‐based‐controller design for uncertain fractional‐order time‐varying‐delay systems Y Boukal, M Darouach, M Zasadzinski, NE Radhy
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 0
10 Robust tracking control for a quadrotor subjected to disturbances using new hyperplane-based fast Terminal Sliding Mode M Labbadi, J Iqbal, M Djemai, Y Boukal, Y Bouteraa
Plos one 18 (4), e0283195, 2023
9 2023 Observation et commande des systèmes dynamiques d’ordre non entier Y Boukal
Université de Lorraine, 2017
9 2017