Understanding “disengagement from knowledge sharing”: Engagement theory versus adaptive cost theory D Ford, SE Myrden, TD Jones Journal of Knowledge Management 19 (3), 476-496, 2015 | 161 | 2015 |
Young workers’ perception of brand image: main and moderating effects SE Myrden, K Kelloway Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 2 (3), 267-281, 2015 | 93 | 2015 |
Leading to customer loyalty: a daily test of the service-profit chain SE Myrden, EK Kelloway Journal of Services Marketing 29 (6/7), 585-598, 2015 | 90 | 2015 |
Patient experience in the digital age: An investigation into the effect of generational cohorts L Alkire, GE O'Connor, S Myrden, S Köcher Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 57, 102221, 2020 | 85 | 2020 |
Workplace aggression targets’ vulnerability factor: Job engagement DP Ford, SE Myrden, EK Kelloway International journal of workplace health management 9 (2), 202-220, 2016 | 33 | 2016 |
The Gendering of Air Canada: A Critical Hermeneutic Approach☆ SE Myrden, AJ Mills, JCH Mills Insights and Research on the Study of Gender and Intersectionality in …, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Digital health experience: a regulatory focus perspective GE O'Connor, S Myrden, L Alkire, K Lee, S Köcher, J Kandampully, ... Journal of Interactive Marketing 56 (1), 121-136, 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
Parents and coaches as transformational leaders: Motivating high school athletes’ intentions to report concussion symptoms across socioeconomic statuses D Warmath, AP Winterstein, S Myrden Social Science & Medicine 292, 114559, 2022 | 12 | 2022 |
Service guarantees: The impact of playing ‘hard to get’ on perceptions of firm credibility and repurchase intent S Myrden, EK Kelloway Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior …, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Enhancing Governmentally Sponsored Export Promotions Through Better Segmentation of the Market of a State's Manufacturing Concerns NC Williamson, SM Cramer, S Myrden The International Trade Journal 23 (3), 258-300, 2009 | 8 | 2009 |
Alkire (née Nasr) GE O’Connor, S Myrden L., Lee, K., Köcher, S., Kandampully, J., & Williams, JD, 121-136, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
America’s major league soccer: artificial intelligence and the quest to become a world class league M Das, S Myrden The CASE Journal 17 (2), 202-225, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
From leadership to customer loyalty: Reconceptualizing the Service-Profit-Chain SE Myrden Halifax, NS: Saint Mary's University, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Employer branding: Winning the war for talent S Myrden, E Kelloway, N Scotia Marketing Theory and Application 23, 1-40, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
Sport motivation as a possible indicator of concussion reporting intentions among young athletes D Warmath, AP Winterstein, S Myrden Clinical journal of sport medicine 31 (5), e216-e220, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Services under new management: the myth of a fresh start T Jones, SE Myrden, P Dacin Journal of Services Marketing 34 (4), 529-548, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Cultural drivers of health engagement L Alkire, S Myrden, S Köcher, GE O’Connor Journal of International Marketing 31 (1), 90-105, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Service Guarantee: the Impact of Playing SE Myrden, EK Kelloway Hard to get “ON Perceptions of Firm Credibility and Repurchase Intention …, 2011 | 2 | 2011 |
Asian football: how corruption disrupted marketing value in the game’s largest fan market M Das, S Myrden The CASE Journal 16 (5), 585-614, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Engagement: The Hidden Cost or a Coping Strategy of Workplace Aggression? DP Ford, S Myrden, EK Kelloway Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 11297, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |