Expansion theorems for generalized random processes, Wick products and applications to stochastic differential equations S Pilipović, D Seleši Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 10 (01 …, 2007 | 48 | 2007 |
Harmonic scalpel® hemorrhoidectomy: A painless procedure? D Ivanov, S Babović, D Seleši, M Ivanov, R Cvijanović Medicinski pregled 60 (9-10), 421-426, 2007 | 42 | 2007 |
On the generalized stochastic Dirichlet problem—part I: the stochastic weak maximum principle S Pilipović, D Seleši Potential Analysis 32 (4), 363-387, 2010 | 23 | 2010 |
Stochastic evolution equations with multiplicative noise T Levajković, S Pilipović, D Seleši, M Žigić | 22 | 2015 |
The stochastic Dirichlet problem driven by the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck operator: Approach by the Fredholm alternative for chaos expansions T Levajković, S Pilipović, D Seleši Stochastic analysis and applications 29 (2), 317-331, 2011 | 22 | 2011 |
Chaos Expansion Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations Involving the Malliavin Derivative–Part I T Levajković, D Seleši Publications de l'Institut Mathématique 90 (110), 65-84, 2011 | 22 | 2011 |
Mera i integral: fundamenti teorije verovatnoce S Pilipovic, D Seleši Zavod za udzbenike, Beograd, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |
Structure theorems for generalized random processes S Pilipović, D Seleši Acta Mathematica Hungarica 117 (3), 251-274, 2007 | 19 | 2007 |
Fundamental equations with higher order Malliavin operators T Levajković, S Pilipović, D Seleši Stochastics 88 (1), 106-127, 2016 | 16 | 2016 |
On generalized Malliavin calculus SV Lototsky, BL Rozovskii, D Seleši Stochastic Processes and their Applications 122 (3), 808-843, 2012 | 16 | 2012 |
On the generalized stochastic Dirichlet problem—part II: solvability, stability and the Colombeau case S Pilipović, D Seleši Potential Analysis 33 (3), 263-289, 2010 | 16 | 2010 |
Chaos expansion methods in Malliavin calculus: A survey of recent results T Levajkovic, S Pilipovic, D Seleši Novi Sad J. Math 45 (1), 45-103, 2015 | 15 | 2015 |
Chaos expansions: Applications to a generalized eigenvalue problem for the Malliavin derivative T Levajković, S Pilipović, D Seleši Integral Transforms and Special Functions 22 (2), 97-105, 2011 | 15 | 2011 |
Algebra of generalized stochastic processes and the stochastic Dirichlet problem D Seleši Stochastic analysis and applications 26 (5), 978-999, 2008 | 15 | 2008 |
Hilbert space valued generalized random processes. I. D Seleši Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 37 (1), 129-154, 2007 | 15 | 2007 |
Hilbert space valued generalized random processes. II. D Seleši Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 37 (2), 93-108, 2007 | 12 | 2007 |
Wave propagation dynamics in a fractional Zener model with stochastic excitation T Atanacković, S Pilipović, D Seleši Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 23 (6), 1570-1604, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
Generalized stochastic processes in algebras of generalized functions R Mirkov, S Pilipović, D Seleši Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 353 (1), 260-270, 2009 | 11 | 2009 |
Viscoelasticity of fractional order: New restrictions on constitutive equations with applications TM Atanacković, MB Janev, S Pilipović, D Seleši International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 20 (13), 2041011, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Fundamental solutions of singular SPDEs D Seleši Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 44 (7), 526-537, 2011 | 9 | 2011 |