Fog computing: A taxonomy, survey and future directions R Mahmud, R Kotagiri, R Buyya Internet of everything: algorithms, methodologies, technologies and …, 2018 | 1242 | 2018 |
Survey of network-based defense mechanisms countering the DoS and DDoS problems T Peng, C Leckie, K Ramamohanarao ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 39 (1), 3-es, 2007 | 1129 | 2007 |
A model for spectra-based software diagnosis L Naish, HJ Lee, K Ramamohanarao ACM Transactions on software engineering and methodology (TOSEM) 20 (3), 1-32, 2011 | 679 | 2011 |
An effective retinal blood vessel segmentation method using multi-scale line detection UTV Nguyen, A Bhuiyan, LAF Park, K Ramamohanarao Pattern recognition 46 (3), 703-715, 2013 | 630 | 2013 |
Workflow scheduling algorithms for grid computing J Yu, R Buyya, K Ramamohanarao Metaheuristics for scheduling in distributed computing environments, 173-214, 2008 | 618 | 2008 |
Inverted files versus signature files for text indexing J Zobel, A Moffat, K Ramamohanarao ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 23 (4), 453-490, 1998 | 562 | 1998 |
A taxonomy of data grids for distributed data sharing, management, and processing S Venugopal, R Buyya, K Ramamohanarao ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 38 (1), 3-es, 2006 | 475 | 2006 |
Protection from distributed denial of service attacks using history-based IP filtering T Peng, C Leckie, K Ramamohanarao IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2003. ICC'03. 1, 482-486, 2003 | 425 | 2003 |
Quality of Experience (QoE)-aware placement of applications in Fog computing environments R Mahmud, SN Srirama, K Ramamohanarao, R Buyya Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 132, 190-203, 2019 | 370 | 2019 |
Latency-aware application module management for fog computing environments R Mahmud, K Ramamohanarao, R Buyya ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 19 (1), 1-21, 2018 | 294 | 2018 |
An estimation of sensor energy consumption MN Halgamuge, M Zukerman, K Ramamohanarao, HL Vu Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 12, 259-295, 2009 | 288 | 2009 |
Authorized public auditing of dynamic big data storage on cloud with efficient verifiable fine-grained updates C Liu, J Chen, LT Yang, X Zhang, C Yang, R Ranjan, R Kotagiri IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (9), 2234-2244, 2013 | 285 | 2013 |
Tensor canonical correlation analysis for multi-view dimension reduction Y Luo, D Tao, K Ramamohanarao, C Xu, Y Wen IEEE transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 27 (11), 3111-3124, 2015 | 283 | 2015 |
Proactively detecting distributed denial of service attacks using source IP address monitoring T Peng, C Leckie, K Ramamohanarao International conference on research in networking, 771-782, 2004 | 276 | 2004 |
Dynamic scheduling for stochastic edge-cloud computing environments using a3c learning and residual recurrent neural networks S Tuli, S Ilager, K Ramamohanarao, R Buyya IEEE transactions on mobile computing 21 (3), 940-954, 2020 | 247 | 2020 |
Layered approach using conditional random fields for intrusion detection KK Gupta, B Nath, R Kotagiri IEEE Transactions on dependable and secure Computing 7 (1), 35-49, 2008 | 234 | 2008 |
Application management in fog computing environments: A taxonomy, review and future directions R Mahmud, K Ramamohanarao, R Buyya ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53 (4), 1-43, 2020 | 218 | 2020 |
Mapping connectomes with diffusion MRI: deterministic or probabilistic tractography? T Sarwar, K Ramamohanarao, A Zalesky Magnetic resonance in medicine 81 (2), 1368-1384, 2019 | 201 | 2019 |
Robust scheduling of scientific workflows with deadline and budget constraints in clouds D Poola, SK Garg, R Buyya, Y Yang, K Ramamohanarao 2014 IEEE 28th international conference on advanced information networking …, 2014 | 198 | 2014 |
A generalization of the differential approach to recursive query evaluation I Balbin, K Ramamohanarao The Journal of Logic Programming 4 (3), 259-262, 1987 | 197 | 1987 |