Microplastics in freshwater ecosystems: what we know and what we need to know M Wagner, C Scherer, D Alvarez-Muñoz, N Brennholt, X Bourrain, ... Environmental Sciences Europe 26, 1-9, 2014 | 1670 | 2014 |
Occurrence of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in hospital and urban wastewaters and their impact on the receiving river S Rodriguez-Mozaz, S Chamorro, E Marti, B Huerta, M Gros, ... Water research 69, 234-242, 2015 | 1649 | 2015 |
Contribution of hospital effluents to the load of pharmaceuticals in urban wastewaters: identification of ecologically relevant pharmaceuticals LH Santos, M Gros, S Rodriguez-Mozaz, C Delerue-Matos, A Pena, ... Science of the Total Environment 461, 302-316, 2013 | 719 | 2013 |
Fast and comprehensive multi-residue analysis of a broad range of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals and some of their metabolites in surface and treated waters by ultra-high … M Gros, S Rodríguez-Mozaz, D Barceló Journal of Chromatography A 1248, 104-121, 2012 | 672 | 2012 |
Biosensors as useful tools for environmental analysis and monitoring S Rodriguez-Mozaz, MJ Lopez de Alda, D Barceló Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 386, 1025-1041, 2006 | 596 | 2006 |
Antibiotic residues in final effluents of European wastewater treatment plants and their impact on the aquatic environment S Rodriguez-Mozaz, I Vaz-Moreira, SV Della Giustina, M Llorca, ... Environment international 140, 105733, 2020 | 535 | 2020 |
Monitoring of estrogens, pesticides and bisphenol A in natural waters and drinking water treatment plants by solid-phase extraction–liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry S Rodriguez-Mozaz, MJL de Alda, D Barceló Journal of Chromatography A 1045 (1-2), 85-92, 2004 | 535 | 2004 |
Antibiotic resistance in European wastewater treatment plants mirrors the pattern of clinical antibiotic resistance prevalence KMM Pärnänen, C Narciso-da-Rocha, D Kneis, TU Berendonk, D Cacace, ... Science advances 5 (3), eaau9124, 2019 | 515 | 2019 |
Rapid analysis of multiclass antibiotic residues and some of their metabolites in hospital, urban wastewater and river water by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography … M Gros, S Rodríguez-Mozaz, D Barceló Journal of Chromatography A 1292, 173-188, 2013 | 475 | 2013 |
Advantages and limitations of on-line solid phase extraction coupled to liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry technologies versus biosensors for monitoring of emerging … S Rodriguez-Mozaz, MJL de Alda, D Barceló Journal of chromatography A 1152 (1-2), 97-115, 2007 | 450 | 2007 |
Biosensors for environmental monitoring: A global perspective S Rodriguez-Mozaz, MJL de Alda, MP Marco, D Barceló Talanta 65 (2), 291-297, 2005 | 386 | 2005 |
Exploring the links between antibiotic occurrence, antibiotic resistance, and bacterial communities in water supply reservoirs B Huerta, E Marti, M Gros, P López, M Pompêo, J Armengol, D Barceló, ... Science of the Total Environment 456, 161-170, 2013 | 365 | 2013 |
Removal of emerging contaminants from municipal wastewater with an integrated membrane system, MBR–RO D Dolar, M Gros, S Rodriguez-Mozaz, J Moreno, J Comas, ... Journal of hazardous materials 239, 64-69, 2012 | 360 | 2012 |
Biosensors for environmental applications: Future development trends S Rodriguez-Mozaz, MP Marco, MJL De Alda, D Barceló Pure and applied chemistry 76 (4), 723-752, 2004 | 320 | 2004 |
Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting compounds in macroalgaes, bivalves, and fish from coastal areas in Europe D Álvarez-Muñoz, S Rodríguez-Mozaz, AL Maulvault, A Tediosi, ... Environmental research 143, 56-64, 2015 | 291 | 2015 |
Pharmaceuticals occurrence in a WWTP with significant industrial contribution and its input into the river system N Collado, S Rodriguez-Mozaz, M Gros, A Rubirola, D Barceló, J Comas, ... Environmental pollution 185, 202-212, 2014 | 277 | 2014 |
Degradation of pharmaceuticals in non-sterile urban wastewater by Trametes versicolor in a fluidized bed bioreactor C Cruz-Morató, L Ferrando-Climent, S Rodriguez-Mozaz, D Barceló, ... Water research 47 (14), 5200-5210, 2013 | 263 | 2013 |
Comprehensive study of ibuprofen and its metabolites in activated sludge batch experiments and aquatic environment L Ferrando-Climent, N Collado, G Buttiglieri, M Gros, I Rodriguez-Roda, ... Science of the Total Environment 438, 404-413, 2012 | 262 | 2012 |
Hospital wastewater treatment by fungal bioreactor: removal efficiency for pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptor compounds C Cruz-Morató, D Lucas, M Llorca, S Rodriguez-Mozaz, M Gorga, ... Science of the Total Environment 493, 365-376, 2014 | 257 | 2014 |
Seasonal distribution of pharmaceuticals in marine water and sediment from a mediterranean coastal lagoon (SE Spain) R Moreno-González, S Rodríguez-Mozaz, M Gros, D Barceló, VM León Environmental research 138, 326-344, 2015 | 256 | 2015 |