The McDonaldization of society G Ritzer In the Mind's Eye, 143-152, 2021 | 13351* | 2021 |
Teoría sociológica clásica G Ritzer, RDR Requena, JEO Cárdenas, MTC Rodríguezz, ... McGraw-Hill, 2001 | 3058 | 2001 |
Sosiologi: ilmu pengetahuan berparadigma ganda G Ritzer (No Title), 1985 | 2227 | 1985 |
Sociology: A multiple paradigm science G Ritzer The American Sociologist, 156-167, 1975 | 1746 | 1975 |
“McDisneyization” and “post-tourism”: Complementary perspectives on contemporary tourism G Ritzer, A Liska, C Rojek, J Urry 1997, 96-112, 1997 | 948 | 1997 |
La McDonalización de la sociedad G Ritzer Madrid, 2007 | 789 | 2007 |
An empirical study of Howard Becker's side-bet theory G Ritzer, HM Trice Social forces, 475-478, 1969 | 768 | 1969 |
Conflict and change G Ritzer, D Vvalczakv Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1977 | 681* | 1977 |
Teoría sociológica moderna G Ritzer, MTC Rodríguez MacGraw-Hill, 2002 | 679 | 2002 |
Explorations in the sociology of consumption: Fast food, credit cards and casinos G Ritzer Sage, 2001 | 594 | 2001 |
Büyüsü bozulmuş dünyayı büyülemek G Rıtzer Şırnak Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 5 (10), 165-169, 2000 | 467 | 2000 |
Die McDonaldisierung der Gesellschaft G Ritzer, S Vogel UVK-Verl.-Ges., 2006 | 415 | 2006 |
Mcdonaldyzacja społeczeństwa G Ritzer, S Magala Warszawskie Wydawn. Literackie MUZA SA, 1997 | 388 | 1997 |
Professionalization, bureaucratization and rationalization: The views of Max Weber G Ritzer Social Forces 53 (4), 627-634, 1975 | 381 | 1975 |
Sosiologi ilmu berparadigma ganda G Ritzer Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada, 2001 | 354 | 2001 |
Magiczny świat konsumpcji G Ritzer, L Stawowy Warszawskie Wydawnictwo Literackie" Muza", 2012 | 344 | 2012 |
The Blackwell companion to globalization G Ritzer John Wiley & Sons, 2016 | 336 | 2016 |
Toplumun mcdonaldlaştırılması G Ritzer İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 1998 | 333 | 1998 |
The Blackwell companion to major classical social theorists G Ritzer John Wiley & Sons, 2008 | 292* | 2008 |
Sosyoloji kuramları G Ritzer De Ki Basım Yayım, 2013 | 284 | 2013 |