Lexeme-Morpheme Base Morphology R Beard Albany, NY: State University of New, 1995 | 1172* | 1995 |
Derivation R Beard The handbook of morphology, 44-65, 2017 | 229 | 2017 |
The Indo-European lexicon: A full synchronic theory R Beard (No Title), 1981 | 142 | 1981 |
On the separation of derivation from morphology: toward a lexeme/morpheme based on morphology R Beard Indiana University Linguistics Club, 1986 | 123* | 1986 |
Agreement and attraction in Russian H Lorimor, K Bock, E Zalkind, A Sheyman, R Beard Language and cognitive processes 23 (6), 769-799, 2008 | 120 | 2008 |
Morpheme order in a lexeme/morpheme-based morphology R Beard Lingua 72 (1), 1-44, 1987 | 107 | 1987 |
Decompositional composition: The semantics of scope ambiguities and ‘bracketing paradoxes’ R Beard Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 9 (2), 195-229, 1991 | 96 | 1991 |
The plural as a lexical derivation R Beard GLOSSA-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS 16 (2), 133-148, 1982 | 65 | 1982 |
The nature and origins of derivational polysemy R Beard Lingua 81 (2-3), 101-140, 1990 | 62 | 1990 |
A semantically based model of a generative lexical word-formation rule for Russian adjectives R Beard Language, 108-120, 1976 | 45 | 1976 |
The suffixation of adjectives in contemporary literary Serbo-Croatian RE Beard University of Michigan, 1966 | 40 | 1966 |
Simultaneous dual derivation in word formation R Beard Language, 716-741, 1993 | 35 | 1993 |
On the extent and nature of irregularity in the lexicon R Beard Lingua 42 (4), 305-341, 1977 | 33 | 1977 |
Once more on the analysis of ed-adjectives R Reard Journal of Linguistics 12 (1), 155-157, 1976 | 32 | 1976 |
Generative lexicalism R Beard Quaderni di semantica 5 (1), 50-57, 1984 | 22 | 1984 |
The gender-animacy hypothesis R Beard Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 59-96, 1995 | 21 | 1995 |
On the question of lexical regularity RE Beard Journal of Linguistics 17 (1), 31-37, 1981 | 21 | 1981 |
Bibliography of morphology, 1960-1985 R Beard, B Szymanek John Benjamins Publishing, 1988 | 19 | 1988 |
Lexical stock expansion R Beard Rules and the Lexicon: Studies in Word Formation. Lublin: Redakcja …, 1987 | 19 | 1987 |
The empty morpheme entailment R Beard W. Dressler et al.(eds.), 159-169, 1990 | 10 | 1990 |