Navigating the Anthropocene: improving earth system governance F Biermann, K Abbott, S Andresen, K Bäckstrand, S Bernstein, MM Betsill, ... Science 335 (6074), 1306-1307, 2012 | 686 | 2012 |
Governing and implementing REDD+ E Corbera, H Schroeder Environmental science & policy 14 (2), 89-99, 2011 | 635 | 2011 |
Conceptualizing climate governance beyond the international regime C Okereke, H Bulkeley, H Schroeder Global environmental politics 9 (1), 58-78, 2009 | 616 | 2009 |
Institutions and environmental change: principal findings, applications, and research frontiers OR Young, LA King, H Schroeder MIT press, 2008 | 551 | 2008 |
Methodology and applications of city level CO2 emission accounts in China Y Shan, D Guan, J Liu, Z Mi, Z Liu, J Liu, H Schroeder, B Cai, Y Chen, ... Journal of Cleaner Production 161, 1215-1225, 2017 | 498 | 2017 |
Four degrees and beyond: the potential for a global temperature increase of four degrees and its implications M New, D Liverman, H Schroder, K Anderson Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2011 | 486 | 2011 |
Earth System Governance: People, Places and the Planet. Science and Implementation Plan of the Earth System Governance Project. F Biermann, M Betsill, J Gupta, N Kani, L Lebel, D Liverman, H Schroeder, ... Bonn, 2009 | 405 | 2009 |
Earth system governance: a research framework F Biermann, MM Betsill, J Gupta, N Kanie, L Lebel, D Liverman, ... International environmental agreements: politics, law and economics 10, 277-298, 2010 | 385 | 2010 |
Why equity is fundamental in climate change policy research S Klinsky, T Roberts, S Huq, C Okereke, P Newell, P Dauvergne, ... | 379 | 2017 |
City-level climate change mitigation in China Y Shan, D Guan, K Hubacek, B Zheng, SJ Davis, L Jia, J Liu, Z Liu, ... Science advances 4 (6), eaaq0390, 2018 | 359 | 2018 |
Transforming governance and institutions for global sustainability: key insights from the Earth System Governance Project F Biermann, K Abbott, S Andresen, K Bäckstrand, S Bernstein, MM Betsill, ... Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4 (1), 51-60, 2012 | 291 | 2012 |
Multiactor governance and the environment P Newell, P Pattberg, H Schroeder Annual review of environment and resources 37 (1), 365-387, 2012 | 280 | 2012 |
Agency in international climate negotiations: the case of indigenous peoples and avoided deforestation H Schroeder International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 10, 317-332, 2010 | 269 | 2010 |
Cities and climate change: the role of institutions, governance and urban planning H Bulkeley, H Schroeder, K Janda, J Zhao, A Armstrong, SY Chu, ... Change 28, 30, 2009 | 250 | 2009 |
A portfolio approach to analyzing complex human-environment interactions: Institutions and land change OR Young, EF Lambin, F Alcock, H Haberl, SI Karlsson, WJ McConnell, ... Ecology and society 11 (2), 2006 | 247 | 2006 |
The Evolution of the UNFCCC J Kuyper, H Schroeder, BO Linnér Annual Review of Environment and Resources 43 (1), 343-368, 2018 | 230 | 2018 |
Operationalizing social safeguards in REDD+: actors, interests and ideas CL McDermott, L Coad, A Helfgott, H Schroeder Environmental Science & Policy 21, 63-72, 2012 | 228 | 2012 |
Non‐state actors in hybrid global climate governance: justice, legitimacy, and effectiveness in a post‐Paris era JW Kuyper, BO Linnér, H Schroeder Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 9 (1), e497, 2018 | 203 | 2018 |
Beyond state/non-state divides: Global cities and the governing of climate change H Bulkeley, H Schroeder European Journal of International Relations 18 (4), 743-766, 2012 | 198 | 2012 |
The role of non-nation-state actors and side events in the international climate negotiations H Schroeder, H Lovell Climate Policy 12 (1), 23-37, 2012 | 197 | 2012 |