Artykuły udostępnione publicznie: - Noora VeijalainenWięcej informacji
Niedostępne w żadnym miejscu: 3
Vulnerability of cross-country skiing to climate change in Finland–An interactive mapping tool
M Neuvonen, T Sievänen, S Fronzek, I Lahtinen, N Veijalainen, TR Carter
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 11, 64-79, 2015
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland
Collaborative planning in adaptive flood risk management under climate change
K Söderholm, M Pihlajamäki, T Dubrovin, N Veijalainen, B Vehviläinen, ...
Water Resources Management 32, 1383-1397, 2018
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland
Defining the natural flow regimes of boreal rivers: relationship with benthic macroinvertebrate communities
KR Mustonen, H Mykrä, H Marttila, AT Haghighi, B Kløve, J Aroviita, ...
Freshwater Science 35 (2), 559-572, 2016
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland
Dostępne w jakimś miejscu: 14
Documentary evidence of past floods in Europe and their utility in flood frequency estimation
TR Kjeldsen, N Macdonald, M Lang, L Mediero, T Albuquerque, ...
Journal of Hydrology 517, 963-973, 2014
Upoważnienia: European Commission
Identification of coherent flood regions across Europe by using the longest streamflow records
L Mediero, TR Kjeldsen, N Macdonald, S Kohnova, B Merz, S Vorogushyn, ...
Journal of Hydrology 528, 341-360, 2015
Upoważnienia: European Commission, Government of Spain
Impacts of climate change on temperature, precipitation and hydrology in Finland–studies using bias corrected Regional Climate Model data
T Olsson, J Jakkila, N Veijalainen, L Backman, J Kaurola, B Vehviläinen
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (7), 3217-3238, 2015
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland
Effects of climate change and agricultural adaptation on nutrient loading from Finnish catchments to the Baltic Sea
I Huttunen, H Lehtonen, M Huttunen, V Piirainen, M Korppoo, ...
Science of the Total Environment 529, 168-181, 2015
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland
Can there be water scarcity with abundance of water? Analyzing water stress during a severe drought in Finland
L Ahopelto, N Veijalainen, JHA Guillaume, M Keskinen, M Marttunen, ...
Sustainability 11 (6), 1548, 2019
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland
Thermal and hydrologic responses to climate change predict marked alterations in boreal stream invertebrate assemblages
KR Mustonen, H Mykrä, H Marttila, R Sarremejane, N Veijalainen, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (6), 2434-2446, 2018
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, Academy of Finland
River ice cover influence on sediment transportation at present and under projected hydroclimatic conditions
M Kämäri, P Alho, N Veijalainen, J Aaltonen, M Huokuna, E Lotsari
Hydrological Processes 29 (22), 4738-4755, 2015
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland
Agricultural nutrient loading under alternative climate, societal and manure recycling scenarios
I Huttunen, K Hyytiäinen, M Huttunen, M Sihvonen, N Veijalainen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 783, 146871, 2021
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland
Megafloods in Europe can be anticipated from observations in hydrologically similar catchments
M Bertola, G Blöschl, M Bohac, M Borga, A Castellarin, GB Chirico, ...
Nature geoscience 16 (11), 982-988, 2023
Upoważnienia: Austrian Science Fund, German Research Foundation, UK Natural Environment …
Contributing factors for electricity storage in a carbon‐free power system
T Koivunen, S Syri, N Veijalainen
International Journal of Energy Research 46 (2), 1339-1360, 2022
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland, European Commission
Future fluvial erosion and sedimentation potential of cohesive sediments in a coastal river reach of SW Finland
E Lotsari, J Aaltonen, N Veijalainen, P Alho, J Käyhkö
Hydrological Processes 28 (25), 6016-6037, 2014
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland, Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Spatiotemporal hydroclimate variability in Finland: Past trends
V Lindgren, JHA Guillaume, TA Räsänen, J Jakkila, N Veijalainen, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 18 (6), 1765-1782, 2017
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland
Effects of climate change and flow regulation on the flow characteristics of a low-relief river within southern boreal climate area
E Kasvi, E Lotsari, M Kumpumäki, T Dubrovin, N Veijalainen
Water 11 (9), 1827, 2019
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland
Impacts of climate change on extreme floods in Finland–studies using bias corrected Regional Climate Model data
N Veijalainen, J Jakkila, T Olsson, L Backman, B Vehviläinen, J Kaurola
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2017, 1-28, 2017
Upoważnienia: Academy of Finland
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