Brodjol Sutijo Suprih Ulama
Brodjol Sutijo Suprih Ulama
Department of Business Statistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Zweryfikowany adres z statistika.its.ac.id
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Peramalan Temperatur Udara di Kota Surabaya dengan Menggunakan ARIMA dan Artificial Neural Network
A Machmudin, BSS Ulama
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 1 (1), D118-D123, 2012
Klasifikasi Email Spam dengan Menggunakan Metode Support Vector Machine dan k-Nearest Neighbor
SND Pratiwi, BSS Ulama
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 5 (2), 2016
Generalized Space-Time Autoregressive Modeling
DU Wutsqa, SB Suhartono, B Sutijo
Proceedings of the 6th IMT-GT Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and its …, 2010
Peramalan Curah Hujan dengan Pendekatan Model ARIMA, Feed Forward Neural Network dan Hybrid (ARIMA-NN) di Banyuwangi
Y Susanto
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, 2016
Binomial regression models with a flexible generalized logit link function
RB Prasetyo, H Kuswanto, N Iriawan, BSS Ulama
Symmetry 12 (2), 221, 2020
Model selection in feedforward neural networks for forecasting inflow and outflow in Indonesia
Suhartono, PD Saputri, FF Amalia, DD Prastyo, BSS Ulama
Soft Computing in Data Science: Third International Conference, SCDS 2017 …, 2017
Indonesian financial data modeling and forecasting by using econometrics time series and neural network
Y Hidayat, B Sutijo, AT Bon, S Supian
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 12 (4), 3745-3757, 2016
Tracer Study at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Promoting Localization and Multiple Touch Points to Capture Alumni
A Wibisono, BSS Ulama, WA Asmoro, SAC SAC
International Conference on Experience with Link and Match in Higher …, 2012
Peramalan Harga Saham Jakarta Islamic Index Menggunakan Metode Vector Autoregressive
FN Hayati, B Sutijo
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 5 (2), 133122, 2016
Analisis CART (Classification And Regression Trees) pada Faktor-Faktor
A Hartati, I Zain, BSS Ulama
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 1 (1), 15853, 2012
On the Bernoulli Mixture Model for Bidikmisi Scholarship Classification with Bayesian MCMC
W Suryaningtyas, N Iriawan, K Fithriasari, BSS Ulama, I Susanto, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1090 (1), 012072, 2018
Toward a hierarchical Bayesian framework for modelling the effect of regional diversity on household expenditure
P Ismartini, N Iriawan, BSS Ulama
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 8 (2), 283-291, 2012
Pemodelan resiko penyakit kaki gajah (Filariasis) di Provinsi Papua dengan regresi Zero-Inflated Poisson
SP Wulandari, B Sutijo, I Rahmawati
Forum Statistika dan Komputasi 15 (1), 2010
Bayesian Bernoulli mixture regression model for Bidikmisi scholarship classification
S Wahyuni
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informasi (Journal of a Science and Information) 11 …, 2018
Seasonal time series data forecasting by using neural networks multiscale autoregressive model
BSS Suhartono, AJ Endharta
American Journal of Applied Sciences 7 (10), 1372-1378, 2010
A comparison of some link functions for binomial regression models with application to school drop-out rates in East Java
RB Prasetyo, H Kuswanto, N Iriawan, BSS Ulama
AIP conference proceedings 2194 (1), 2019
On The Comparison: Random Forest, SMOTE-Bagging, and Bernoulli Mixture to Classify Bidikmisi Dataset in East Java
N Iriawan, K Fithriasari, BSS Ulama, W Suryaningtyas, SS Pangastuti, ...
2018 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network and …, 2018
Penerapan Backpropagation untuk Meningkatkan Efektivitas Waktu dan Akurasi pada Data Wall-Following Robot Navigation
BSS Ulama, ATW Utami
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 4 (2), 15720, 2015
Aplikasi model generalized space time autoregressive pada data pencemaran udara di Kota Surabaya
DU Wutsqa, S Suhartono, B Sutijo
PYTHAGORAS: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika 7 (2), 17-30, 2012
New look for DHF relative risk analysis using Bayesian poisson-lognormal 2-level spatio-temporal
N Iriawan, BSS Ulama
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics 47 (17), 39-47, 2013
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