Artykuły udostępnione publicznie: - Marco DiRenzoWięcej informacji
Dostępne w jakimś miejscu: 6
A meta‐analysis of the antecedents of work–family enrichment
LM Lapierre, Y Li, HK Kwan, JH Greenhaus, MS DiRenzo, P Shao
Journal of organizational behavior 39 (4), 385-401, 2018
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Supervisor-subordinate proactive personality congruence and psychological safety: A signaling theory approach to employee voice behavior
M Xu, X Qin, SB Dust, MS DiRenzo
The Leadership Quarterly 30 (4), 440-453, 2019
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
When do emotionally exhausted employees speak up? Exploring the potential curvilinear relationship between emotional exhaustion and voice
X Qin, MS DiRenzo, M Xu, Y Duan
Journal of Organizational Behavior 35 (7), 1018-1041, 2014
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Boundary conditions of the emotional exhaustion-unsafe behavior link: The dark side of group norms and personal control
D Ju, X Qin, M Xu, MS DiRenzo
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 33, 113-140, 2016
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Negative creativity in leader-follower relations: A daily investigation of leaders’ creative mindset, moral disengagement, and abusive supervision
X Qin, SB Dust, MS DiRenzo, S Wang
Journal of Business and Psychology 35, 665-682, 2020
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
MO Redaja, MS DiRenzo
Upoważnienia: US Department of Defense
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