IntCal13 and Marine13 radiocarbon age calibration curves 0–50,000 years cal BP PJ Reimer, E Bard, A Bayliss, JW Beck, PG Blackwell, CB Ramsey, ... radiocarbon 55 (4), 1869-1887, 2013 | 23304* | 2013 |
The IntCal20 Northern Hemisphere radiocarbon age calibration curve (0–55 cal kBP) PJ Reimer, WEN Austin, E Bard, A Bayliss, PG Blackwell, CB Ramsey, ... Radiocarbon 62 (4), 725-757, 2020 | 6330 | 2020 |
INTCAL98 radiocarbon age calibration, 24,000–0 cal BP M Stuiver, PJ Reimer, E Bard, JW Beck, GS Burr, KA Hughen, B Kromer, ... Radiocarbon 40 (3), 1041-1083, 1998 | 6039 | 1998 |
Persistent solar influence on North Atlantic climate during the Holocene G Bond, B Kromer, J Beer, R Muscheler, MN Evans, W Showers, ... Science 294 (5549), 2130-2136, 2001 | 4128 | 2001 |
Marine20—the marine radiocarbon age calibration curve (0–55,000 cal BP) TJ Heaton, P Köhler, M Butzin, E Bard, RW Reimer, WEN Austin, ... Radiocarbon 62 (4), 779-820, 2020 | 1442 | 2020 |
Marine04 marine radiocarbon age calibration, 0–26 cal kyr BP KA Hughen, MGL Baillie, E Bard, JW Beck, CJH Bertrand, PG Blackwell, ... Radiocarbon 46 (3), 1059-1086, 2004 | 1316 | 2004 |
Unusual activity of the Sun during recent decades compared to the previous 11,000 years SK Solanki, IG Usoskin, B Kromer, M Schüssler, J Beer Nature 431 (7012), 1084-1087, 2004 | 1203 | 2004 |
Formal definition and dating of the GSSP (Global Stratotype Section and Point) for the base of the Holocene using the Greenland NGRIP ice core, and selected auxiliary records M Walker, S Johnsen, SO Rasmussen, T Popp, JP Steffensen, P Gibbard, ... Journal of Quaternary Science: Published for the Quaternary Research …, 2009 | 897 | 2009 |
Synchronized terrestrial atmospheric deglacial records around the North Atlantic S Björck, B Kromer, S Johnsen, O Bennike, D Hammarlund, G Lemdahl, ... Science 274 (5290), 1155-1160, 1996 | 675 | 1996 |
The tropospheric 14CO2 level in mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere (1959–2003) I Levin, B Kromer Radiocarbon 46 (3), 1261-1272, 2004 | 614 | 2004 |
A 7400-year tree-ring chronology in northern Swedish Lapland: natural climatic variability expressed on annual to millennial timescales H Grudd, KR Briffa, W Karlén, TS Bartholin, PD Jones, B Kromer The Holocene 12 (6), 657-665, 2002 | 551 | 2002 |
Climatic, solar, oceanic, and geomagnetic influences on late-glacial and Holocene atmospheric 14C/12C change M Stuiver, TF Braziunas, B Becker, B Kromer Quaternary research 35 (1), 1-24, 1991 | 447 | 1991 |
Santorini eruption radiocarbon dated to 1627-1600 BC WL Friedrich, B Kromer, M Friedrich, J Heinemeier, T Pfeiffer, S Talamo Science 312 (5773), 548-548, 2006 | 436 | 2006 |
Observations and modelling of the global distribution and long-term trend of atmospheric 14CO2 I Levin, T Naegler, B Kromer, M Diehl, R Francey, A Gomez-Pelaez, ... Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 62 (1), 26-46, 2010 | 380 | 2010 |
The 12,460-year Hohenheim oak and pine tree-ring chronology from central Europe—a unique annual record for radiocarbon calibration and paleoenvironment reconstructions M Friedrich, S Remmele, B Kromer, J Hofmann, M Spurk, KF Kaiser, ... Radiocarbon 46 (3), 1111-1122, 2004 | 355 | 2004 |
Initial Upper Palaeolithic Homo sapiens from Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria JJ Hublin, N Sirakov, V Aldeias, S Bailey, E Bard, V Delvigne, E Endarova, ... Nature 581 (7808), 299-302, 2020 | 350 | 2020 |
Possible solar origin of the 1,470-year glacial climate cycle demonstrated in a coupled model H Braun, M Christl, S Rahmstorf, A Ganopolski, A Mangini, C Kubatzki, ... Nature 438 (7065), 208-211, 2005 | 336 | 2005 |
Twenty years of atmospheric 14CO2 observations at Schauinsland station, Germany I Levin, B Kromer Radiocarbon 39 (2), 205-218, 1997 | 327 | 1997 |
A novel approach for independent budgeting of fossil fuel CO2 over Europe by 14CO2 observations I Levin, B Kromer, M Schmidt, H Sartorius Geophysical Research Letters 30 (23), 2003 | 326 | 2003 |
The IAEA 14C intercomparison exercise 1990 K Rozanski, W Stichler, R Gonfiantini, EM Scott, RP Beukens, B Kromer, ... Radiocarbon 34 (3), 506-519, 1992 | 319 | 1992 |