Long-Lived Valley Polarization of Intravalley Trions in Monolayer A Singh, K Tran, M Kolarczik, J Seifert, Y Wang, K Hao, D Pleskot, ...
Physical review letters 117 (25), 257402, 2016
156 2016 Biexciton fine structure in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides A Steinhoff, M Florian, A Singh, K Tran, M Kolarczik, S Helmrich, ...
Nature Physics 14 (12), 1199-1204, 2018
149 2018 Quantum coherence induces pulse shape modification in a semiconductor optical amplifier at room temperature M Kolarczik, N Owschimikow, J Korn, B Lingnau, Y Kaptan, D Bimberg, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2953, 2013
68 2013 Exciton–phonon coupling in mono-and bilayer MoTe2 S Helmrich, R Schneider, AW Achtstein, A Arora, B Herzog, ...
2D Materials 5 (4), 045007, 2018
44 2018 Ultrafast gain recovery and large nonlinear optical response in submonolayer quantum dots B Lingnau, K Lüdge, B Herzog, M Kolarczik, Y Kaptan, U Woggon, ...
Physical Review B 94 (1), 014305, 2016
31 2016 Exciton dynamics probe the energy structure of a quantum dot-in-a-well system: The role of Coulomb attraction and dimensionality M Kolarczik, N Owschimikow, B Herzog, F Buchholz, YI Kaptan, ...
Physical Review B 91 (23), 235310, 2015
24 2015 Fast gain and phase recovery of semiconductor optical amplifiers based on submonolayer quantum dots B Herzog, N Owschimikow, JH Schulze, R Rosales, Y Kaptan, M Kolarczik, ...
Applied Physics Letters 107 (20), 2015
22 2015 Strong amplitude-phase coupling in submonolayer quantum dots B Herzog, B Lingnau, M Kolarczik, Y Kaptan, D Bimberg, A Maaßdorf, ...
Applied Physics Letters 109 (20), 2016
21 2016 Gain dynamics of quantum dot devices for dual-state operation Y Kaptan, H Schmeckebier, B Herzog, D Arsenijević, M Kolarczik, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (26), 2014
16 2014 Stability of quantum-dot excited-state laser emission under simultaneous ground-state perturbation Y Kaptan, A Röhm, B Herzog, B Lingnau, H Schmeckebier, D Arsenijević, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (19), 2014
14 2014 Resolving photon numbers using ultra-high-resolution timing of a single low-jitter superconducting nanowire detector G Sauer, M Kolarczik, R Gomez, J Conrad, F Steinlechner
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12 2023 Fast time-domain diffuse correlation spectroscopy with superconducting nanowire single-photon detector: system validation and in vivo results V Parfentyeva, L Colombo, P Lanka, M Pagliazzi, A Brodu, N Noordzij, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 11982, 2023
12 2023 Dynamic phase response and amplitude-phase coupling of self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots B Lingnau, B Herzog, M Kolarczik, U Woggon, K Lüdge, N Owschimikow
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12 2017 Crossed excitons in a semiconductor nanostructure of mixed dimensionality N Owschimikow, M Kolarczik, YI Kaptan, NB Grosse, U Woggon
Applied Physics Letters 105 (10), 2014
12 2014 Sideband pump-probe technique resolves nonlinear modulation response of PbS/CdS quantum dots on a silicon nitride waveguide M Kolarczik, C Ulbrich, P Geiregat, Y Zhu, LK Sagar, A Singh, B Herzog, ...
APL Photonics 3 (1), 2018
10 2018 Pump-probe quantum state tomography in a semiconductor optical amplifier NB Grosse, N Owschimikow, R Aust, B Lingnau, A Koltchanov, ...
Optics express 22 (26), 32520-32525, 2014
10 2014 All-optical approach to determine the spatial shape of nanoscale electron wave functions using intraband spectroscopy SC Kuhn, A Knorr, M Richter, N Owschimikow, M Kolarczik, YI Kaptan, ...
Physical Review B 89 (20), 201414, 2014
8 2014 Coherent and incoherent dynamics in quantum dots and nanophotonic devices M Kolarczik, F Böhm, U Woggon, N Owschimikow, A Pimenov, M Wolfrum, ...
Semiconductor Nanophotonics: Materials, Models, and Devices, 91-133, 2020
4 2020 Broadband semiconductor light sources operating at 1060 nm based on InAs: Sb/GaAs submonolayer quantum dots B Herzog, B Lingnau, M Kolarczik, S Helmrich, AW Achtstein, K Thommes, ...
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4 2019 Resolving photon numbers using ultra-high-resolution timing of a single conventional superconducting nanowire detector G Sauer, M Kolarczik, R Gomez, H Fedder, F Steinlechner
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