Differential fault analysis on AES P Dusart, G Letourneux, O Vivolo
International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 293-306, 2003
483 2003 The kth Prime is Greater than k(ln k + ln ln k - 1) for k ≥ 2 P Dusart
Mathematics of computation, 411-415, 1999
257 1999 Autour de la fonction qui compte le nombre de nombres premiers P Dusart
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205 1998 Explicit estimates of some functions over primes P Dusart
The Ramanujan Journal 45, 227-251, 2018
170 2018 Inegalites explicites pour p (x), o (x), p (x) et les nombres premiers P Dusart
Mathematical Reports of the Academy of Sciences 21 (2), 53-59, 1999
137 1999 Estimates of some functions over primes without RH P Dusart
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132 2010 McEliece/Niederreiter PKC: Sensitivity to fault injection PL Cayrel, P Dusart
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31 2010 Estimates of θ (x; k, l) for large values of x P Dusart
Mathematics of computation, 1137-1168, 2002
31 2002 Estimates of 𝜓, 𝜃 for large values of 𝑥 without the Riemann hypothesis P Dusart
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20 1999 Estimates of some functions over primes without RH, preprint, 2010 P Dusart
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17 2018 Sharper bounds for ψ, θ, π, pk P Dusart
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17 1998 On a constant related to the prime counting function D Berkane, P Dusart
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14 2007 Differential fault analysis on aes Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2003/010, 2003 P Dusart, G Letourneux, O Vivolo
13 Sur la conjecture π (x+ y)≤ π (x)+ π (y) P Dusart
Acta Arithmetica 102 (4), 295-308, 2002
12 2002 Lightweight authentication protocol for low-cost RFID tags P Dusart, S Traoré
Information Security Theory and Practice. Security of Mobile and Cyber …, 2013
11 2013 Counting primes in residue classes M Deléglise, P Dusart, XF Roblot
Mathematics of computation 73 (247), 1565-1575, 2004
11 2004