Voting after war: Legacy of conflict and the economy as determinants of electoral support in Croatia J Glaurdić, V Vuković Electoral studies 42, 135-145, 2016 | 51 | 2016 |
Corruption and re-election: how much can politicians steal before getting punished? V Vuković Journal of Comparative Economics 48 (1), 124-143, 2020 | 36 | 2020 |
Proxy politics, economic protest, or traditionalist backlash: Croatia’s referendum on the constitutional definition of marriage J Glaurdić, V Vuković Europe-Asia Studies 68 (5), 803-825, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
The political economy of local government in Croatia: winning coalitions, corruption, and taxes V Vuković Public sector economics 41 (4), 387-420, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Granting votes: exposing the political bias of intergovernmental grants using the within-between specification for panel data J Glaurdić, V Vuković Public Choice 171, 223-241, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
To invest or not to invest, that is the question: Analysis of firm behavior under anticipated shocks D Kovac, V Vukovic, N Kleut, B Podobnik PloS one 11 (8), e0158782, 2016 | 17 | 2016 |
The politics of bailouts: Estimating the causal effects of political connections on corporate bailouts during the 2008–2009 US financial crisis V Vukovic Public choice 189, 213–238, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Political economy of corruption, clientelism and vote-buying in Croatian local government V Vuković Policy-making at the European Periphery: The case of Croatia, 107-124, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
Political economy of the US financial crisis 2007-2009 V Vukovic | 15 | 2012 |
Je li Županov imao pravo? Testiranje podrijetla i perzistencije egalitarnoga sindroma V Vuković, A Štulhofer, I Burić Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja 26 (2), 207-225, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Post-war voters as fiscal liberals: Local elections, spending, and war trauma in contemporary Croatia J Glaurdić, V Vuković East European Politics 34 (2), 173-193, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Prosperity and peace: Economic interests and war legacy in Croatia’s EU referendum vote J Glaurdić, V Vuković European Union Politics 16 (4), 577-600, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Does the wage gap between private and public sectors encourage political corruption? B Podobnik, V Vukovic, HE Stanley PloS one 10 (10), e0141211, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Što je sve prošlo ispod radara–odgovor na polemički rad Dolenec i Širinić A Štulhofer, I Rimac, V Vuković Politička misao: časopis za politologiju 56 (2), 147-154, 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
Was Županov right? Testing the origin and persistence of the egalitarian syndrome V Vuković, A Štulhofer, I Burić Društvena istraživanja 26 (2), 207-225, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Persistent electoral success with endogenous rents V Vukovic | 1 | 2013 |
Political agency model of persistent electoral success with endogenous rents V Vukovic | 1 | 2011 |
When politicians collude with firms: the impact of elite networks on inequality V Vukovic University of Oxford, 2019 | | 2019 |
How a small team of academics correctly predicted a Trump victory V Vukovic LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog, 2016 | | 2016 |