Il restauro della pietra L Lazzarini, TM Laurenzi РГБ, 2009 | 394 | 2009 |
An updated and detailed mineropetrographic and CO stable isotopic reference database for the main Mediterranean marbles used in antiquity. C Gorgoni, L Lazzarini, P Pallante, B Turi “ASMOSIA 5-Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone”, 115-131, 2002 | 331 | 2002 |
An updated petrographic and isotopic reference database for white marbles used in antiquity F Antonelli, L Lazzarini Rendiconti Lincei 26, 399-413, 2015 | 188 | 2015 |
A contribution to the identification of Italian, Greek and Anatolian marbles through a petrological study and the evaluation of Ca/Sr ratio L Lazzarini, G Moschini, BM Stievano Archaeometry 22 (2), 173-183, 1980 | 184 | 1980 |
Pietre e marmi antichi: natura, caratterizzazione, origine, storia d'uso, diffusione, collezionismo L Lazzarini Cedam, 2004 | 174 | 2004 |
I marmi colorati della Roma imperiale M De Nuccio, L Ungaro, P Pensabene, L Lazzarini (No Title), 2002 | 163 | 2002 |
A reassessment of the formation of the patina called scialbatura L Lazzarini, O Salvadori Studies in conservation 34 (1), 20-26, 1989 | 151 | 1989 |
Poikiloi lithoi, versiculores maculae: i marmi colorati della Grecia antica L Lazzarini Marmora 2, 2006, 2007 | 144 | 2007 |
Ostiensium marmorum decus et decor: studi architettonici, decorativi e archeometrici P Pensabene, L Lazzarini L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2007 | 128 | 2007 |
La determinazione della provenienza delle pietre decorative usate dai Romani L Lazzarini na, 2002 | 120 | 2002 |
Archaeometric aspects of white and coloured marbles used in antiquity: the state of the art L Lazzarini Periodico di Mineralogia 73 (3), 113-125, 2004 | 98 | 2004 |
Holography in the conservation of statuary JF Asmus, G Guattari, L Lazzarini, G Musumeci, RF Wuerker Studies in Conservation 18 (2), 49-63, 1973 | 96 | 1973 |
Volubilis (Meknes, Morocco): archaeometric study of the white and coloured marbles imported in the Roman age F Antonelli, L Lazzarini, S Cancelliere, D Dessandier Journal of Cultural Heritage 10 (1), 116-123, 2009 | 84 | 2009 |
Lasers for the cleaning of statuary: initial results and potentialities L Lazzarini, L Marchesini, JF Asmus Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 10 (6), 1039-1043, 1973 | 80 | 1973 |
Mediterranean trade of the most widespread Roman volcanic millstones from Italy and petrochemical markers of their raw materials F Antonelli, L Lazzarini Journal of Archaeological Science 37 (9), 2081-2092, 2010 | 77 | 2010 |
Assessment of seismic vulnerability of art objects: The “Galleria dei Prigioni” sculptures at the Accademia Gallery in Florence L Berto, T Favaretto, A Saetta, F Antonelli, L Lazzarini Journal of Cultural Heritage 13 (1), 7-21, 2012 | 76 | 2012 |
Minero‐petrographic and geochemical characterization of ‘Greco scritto’marble from Cap de Garde, near Hippo Regius (Annaba, Algeria) F Antonelli, L Lazzarini, S Cancelliere, D Dessandier Archaeometry 51 (3), 351-365, 2009 | 72 | 2009 |
Petrographic and isotopic characterization of the marble of the island of Tinos (Greece) L Lazzarini, F Antonelli Archaeometry 45 (4), 541-552, 2003 | 65 | 2003 |
ON THE WHITE AND COLOURED MARBLES OF THE ROMAN TOWN OF CUICUL (DJEMILA, ALGERIA) F Antonelli, L Lazzarini, S Cancelliere, D Dessandier Archaeometry 52 (4), 575-596, 2010 | 57 | 2010 |
Roman millstones from Orvieto (Italy): petrographic and geochemical data for a new archaeometric contribution F Antonelli, G Nappi, L Lazzarini Archaeometry 43 (2), 167-189, 2001 | 54 | 2001 |