Global patterns of tectonic stress ML Zoback, MD Zoback, J Adams, M Assumpcao, S Bell, EA Bergman, ... Nature 341 (6240), 291-298, 1989 | 929 | 1989 |
Seismic evidence for a fossil mantle plume beneath South America and implications for plate driving forces JC VanDecar, DE James, M Assumpção Nature 378 (6552), 25-31, 1995 | 368 | 1995 |
The regional intraplate stress field in South America M Assumpcao Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 97 (B8), 11889-11903, 1992 | 318 | 1992 |
Models of crustal thickness for South America from seismic refraction, receiver functions and surface wave tomography M Assumpção, M Feng, A Tassara, J Julià Tectonophysics 609, 82-96, 2013 | 223 | 2013 |
Upper mantle structure of South America from joint inversion of waveforms and fundamental mode group velocities of Rayleigh waves M Feng, S Van der Lee, M Assumpção Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B4), 2007 | 220 | 2007 |
Superposition of local and regional stresses in northeast Brazil: evidence from focal mechanisms around the Potiguar marginal basin JM Ferreira, T Oliveira, MK Takeya, M Assumpção Geophysical Journal International 134 (2), 341-355, 1998 | 172 | 1998 |
Gravity derived Moho for south America M Van der Meijde, J Julià, M Assumpção Tectonophysics 609, 456-467, 2013 | 160 | 2013 |
Quaternary tectonics in Brazil C Riccomini, M Assumpção Episodes 22 (3), 1999 | 150 | 1999 |
Group-velocity tomography and lithospheric S-velocity structure of the South American continent M Feng, M Assumpçao, S Van der Lee Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 147 (4), 315-331, 2004 | 142 | 2004 |
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Crustal thickness map of Brazil: Data compilation and main features M Assumpção, M Bianchi, J Julià, FL Dias, GS França, R Nascimento, ... Journal of South American Earth Sciences 43, 74-85, 2013 | 133 | 2013 |
Source mechanisms of moderate-size earthquakes and stress orientation in mid-plate South America M Assumpção, G Suárez Geophysical Journal International 92 (2), 253-267, 1988 | 133 | 1988 |
Intraplate seismicity in SE Brazil: stress concentration in lithospheric thin spots M Assumpçao, M Schimmel, C Escalante, J Roberto Barbosa, M Rocha, ... Geophysical Journal International 159 (1), 390-399, 2004 | 132 | 2004 |
Seismicity and stresses in the Brazilian passive margin M Assumpção Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 88 (1), 160-169, 1998 | 129 | 1998 |
Crustal thicknesses in SE Brazilian Shield by receiver function analysis: Implications for isostatic compensation M Assumpçao, D James, A Snoke Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 107 (B1), ESE 2-1-ESE 2-14, 2002 | 126 | 2002 |
Upper-mantle seismic structure beneath SE and Central Brazil from P- and S-wave regional traveltime tomography MP Rocha, M Schimmel, M Assumpçao Geophysical Journal International 184 (1), 268-286, 2011 | 106 | 2011 |
The tailings dam failure of 5 November 2015 in SE Brazil and its preceding seismic sequence H Agurto‐Detzel, M Bianchi, M Assumpção, M Schimmel, B Collaço, ... Geophysical Research Letters 43 (10), 4929-4936, 2016 | 105 | 2016 |
Stress orientations in Brazilian sedimentary basins from breakout analysis: implications for force models in the South American plate C Lima, E Nascimento, M Assumpção Geophysical Journal International 130 (1), 112-124, 1997 | 105 | 1997 |
Moho map of South America from receiver functions and surface waves S Lloyd, S Van Der Lee, GS França, M Assumpção, M Feng Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B11), 2010 | 104 | 2010 |
Correlation of seismicity and water level in the Açu reservoir—an example from northeast Brazil JM Ferreira, RTD Oliveira, M Assumpção, JAM Moreira, RG Pearce, ... Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 85 (5), 1483-1489, 1995 | 103 | 1995 |