Physical restraint use in Turkish intensive care units A San Turgay, D Sari, RE Genc Clinical Nurse Specialist 23 (2), 68-72, 2009 | 94 | 2009 |
Algılanan stres ölçeği (ASÖ)’nin Türkçe versiyonunun psikometrik uygunluğu A Bilge, F Öğce, RE Genç, NT Oran Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2 (25), 61-72, 2009 | 89 | 2009 |
Impact of effective nursing interventions to the fatigue syndrome in children who receive chemotherapy RE Genc, Z Conk Cancer nursing 31 (4), 312-317, 2008 | 65 | 2008 |
Complementary and alternative medicine used by pediatric patients with cancer in western Turkey RE Genc, S Senol, AS Turgay, M Kantar Oncol Nurs Forum 36 (3), E159-E164, 2009 | 59 | 2009 |
Prevalence of anemia and related factors among women in Turkey BK Saydam, RE Genc, F Sarac, EC Turfan Pakistan journal of medical sciences 33 (2), 433, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Comparison of mediterranean, Western and Japanese diets and some recommendations F Ogce, E Ceber, R Ekti, NT Oran Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 9 (2), 351-356, 2008 | 45 | 2008 |
Effect of reflexology on infantile colic S Icke, R Genc The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 24 (6), 584-588, 2018 | 42 | 2018 |
Travmatik doğum algısı ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi H Yalnız, F Canan, R Ekti Genç, MM Kuloğlu, Ö Geçici Yeni Tıp Dergisi, 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
Development of a scale of traumatic childbirth perception H Yalnız, F Canan, RE Genç, MM Kuloğlu, Ö Geçici Turk Med J 8 (3), 81-88, 2016 | 37 | 2016 |
Effects of peer education, social support and self esteem on breast self examination performance and knowledge level AT Malak, M Bektash, AS Turgay, A Tuna, RE Genc Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 10 (4), 605-8, 2009 | 33 | 2009 |
Determination of knowledge of Turkish midwifery students about human papilloma virus infection and its vaccines RE Genc, ES Sarican, AS Turgay, S Icke, D Sari, BK Saydam Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 14 (11), 6775-6778, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Research activities and perceptions of barriers to research utilization among Turkish nurses D Sari, AS Turgay, RE Genc, OD Bozkurt The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 43 (6), 251-258, 2012 | 28 | 2012 |
Travmatik doğumun önlenmesinde ebenin rolü HY Dilcen, RE Genç Life Sciences 14 (3), 64-73, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
Toplumsal bir sorun: Engellilik ve hemşirelik yaklaşımı A Bilge, RE Genç, İ Nişli Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 21 (2), 181-190, 2005 | 26 | 2005 |
Topuk kanı örneği ile yapılan ulusal yenidoğan tarama testleri ve önemi S İçke, RE Genç The Journal of Pediatric Research 4 (4), 186-90, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Determination of sunburn and skin cancer risk of outpatients in a dermatology polyclinic A San Turgay, D Sari, M Can, RE Genc Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 6, 143-146, 2005 | 18 | 2005 |
National newborn screening tests carried out with heel lance and their importance S İçke, RE Genç The Journal of Pediatric Research 4 (4), 186, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
Psychometric properties of a Turkish version of the perceived stress scale A Bilge, F Öğce, RE Genç, NT Oran Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty 25 (2), 61-72, 2009 | 14 | 2009 |
Psychometric properties of the oncology module of the KINDL scale: first results D Ergin, E Eser, M Kantar, R Ekti Genç Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 32 (2), 83-95, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Effect of foot massages on postpartum comfort and pain level of mothers after vaginal delivery: A randomized trial S Icke, R Genc Holistic nursing practice 35 (3), 140-149, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |