Structural and magnetic phase transitions in shape-memory alloys Ni 2+ x Mn 1− x Ga AN Vasil’ev, AD Bozhko, VV Khovailo, IE Dikshtein, VG Shavrov, ...
Physical Review B 59 (2), 1113, 1999
605 1999 Modelling the phase diagram of magnetic shape memory Heusler alloys P Entel, VD Buchelnikov, VV Khovailo, AT Zayak, WA Adeagbo, ...
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Physics-Uspekhi 46 (6), 559, 2003
383 2003 Phase transitions in with a high Ni excess VV Khovaylo, VD Buchelnikov, R Kainuma, VV Koledov, M Ohtsuka, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (22), 224408, 2005
243 2005 Magnetic properties and magnetostructural phase transitions in shape memory alloys VV Khovailo, V Novosad, T Takagi, DA Filippov, RZ Levitin, AN Vasil’ev
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (17), 174413, 2004
177 2004 Low temperature-induced intermartensitic phase transformations in Ni–Mn–Ga single crystal C Segui, VA Chernenko, J Pons, E Cesari, V Khovailo, T Takagi
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Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (1), 014430, 2012
157 2012 First-principles and Monte Carlo study of magnetostructural transition and magnetocaloric properties of VD Buchelnikov, VV Sokolovskiy, HC Herper, H Ebert, ME Gruner, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (9), 094411, 2010
157 2010 Magnetic properties of probed by Mössbauer spectroscopy VV Khovaylo, T Kanomata, T Tanaka, M Nakashima, Y Amako, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (14), 144409, 2009
155 2009 Entropy change at the martensitic transformation in ferromagnetic shape memory alloys VV Khovailo, K Oikawa, T Abe, T Takagi
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138 2003 Magnetocaloric effect in “reduced” dimensions: Thin films, ribbons, and microwires of Heusler alloys and related compounds VV Khovaylo, VV Rodionova, SN Shevyrtalov, V Novosad
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132 2014 Peculiarities of the magnetocaloric properties in Ni-Mn-Sn ferromagnetic shape memory alloys VV Khovaylo, KP Skokov, O Gutfleisch, H Miki, T Takagi, T Kanomata, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (21), 214406, 2010
126 2010 Magnetic properties of Ni 2.18 Mn 0.82 Ga Heusler alloys with a coupled magnetostructural transition VV Khovailo, T Takagi, J Tani, RZ Levitin, AA Cherechukin, M Matsumoto, ...
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105 2002 Shape memory alloys: A summary of recent achievements P Entel, VD Buchelnikov, ME Gruner, A Hucht, VV Khovailo, SK Nayak, ...
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95 2010 Magnetic shape-memory alloys: phase transitions and functional properties VD Buchel'nikov, AN Vasiliev, VV Koledov, SV Taskaev, VV Khovaylo, ...
Physics-Uspekhi 49 (8), 871, 2006
90 2006 Premartensitic transition in Ni2+ xMn1-xGa Heusleralloys VV Khovailo, T Takagi, AD Bozhko, M Matsumoto, J Tani, VG Shavrov
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87 2001 Monte Carlo simulations of the magnetocaloric effect in magnetic Ni–Mn–X (X= Ga, In) Heusler alloys VD Buchelnikov, VV Sokolovskiy, SV Taskaev, VV Khovaylo, AA Aliev, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44 (6), 064012, 2011
85 2011 Adiabatic temperature change at first-order magnetic phase transitions: as a case study VV Khovaylo, KP Skokov, YS Koshkid’ko, VV Koledov, VG Shavrov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (6), 060403, 2008
83 2008