Cugini Francesco
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Cytowane przez
Understanding magnetic relaxation in single-ion magnets with high blocking temperature
A Chiesa, F Cugini, R Hussain, E Macaluso, G Allodi, E Garlatti, ...
Physical Review B 101 (17), 174402, 2020
Convergence of direct and indirect methods in the magnetocaloric study of first order transformations: the case of Ni-Co-Mn-Ga Heusler alloys
G Porcari, F Cugini, S Fabbrici, C Pernechele, F Albertini, M Buzzi, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (10), 104432, 2012
Co and In doped Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloys: A thorough structural, magnetic and magnetocaloric study
S Fabbrici, G Porcari, F Cugini, M Solzi, J Kamarad, Z Arnold, R Cabassi, ...
Entropy 16 (4), 2204-2222, 2014
Direct magnetocaloric characterization and simulation of thermomagnetic cycles
G Porcari, M Buzzi, F Cugini, R Pellicelli, C Pernechele, L Caron, E Brück, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (7), 2013
Influence of thermal conductivity on the dynamic response of magnetocaloric materials
G Porcari, K Morrison, F Cugini, JA Turcaud, F Guillou, A Berenov, ...
international journal of refrigeration 59, 29-36, 2015
Influence of the transition width on the magnetocaloric effect across the magnetostructural transition of Heusler alloys
F Cugini, G Porcari, S Fabbrici, F Albertini, M Solzi
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2016
Dynamics of nonergodic ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic ordering and magnetocalorics in antiperovskite
Ö Çakır, F Cugini, M Solzi, K Priolkar, M Acet, M Farle
Physical Review B 96 (1), 014436, 2017
Millisecond direct measurement of the magnetocaloric effect of a Fe2P-based compound by the mirage effect
F Cugini, G Porcari, C Viappiani, L Caron, AO Dos Santos, LP Cardoso, ...
Applied Physics Letters 108 (1), 2016
Non-contact direct measurement of the magnetocaloric effect in thin samples
F Cugini, G Porcari, M Solzi
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (7), 2014
Structure and magnetic properties of Fe-Co alloy nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed-laser inert gas condensation
N Patelli, F Cugini, D Wang, S Sanna, M Solzi, H Hahn, L Pasquini
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 890, 161863, 2022
On the direct measurement of the adiabatic temperature change of magnetocaloric materials
F Cugini, M Solzi
Journal of Applied Physics 127 (12), 2020
Cold working consequence on the magnetocaloric effect of Ni50Mn34In16 Heusler alloy
F Cugini, L Righi, L van Eijck, E Brück, M Solzi
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 749, 211-216, 2018
Tuning the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of austenitic Ni-Mn-(In, Sn) Heuslers
G Cavazzini, F Cugini, ME Gruner, C Bennati, L Righi, S Fabbrici, ...
Scripta Materialia 170, 48-51, 2019
Direct measurements of the magnetocaloric effect of Fe49Rh51 using the mirage effect
AA Amirov, F Cugini, AP Kamantsev, T Gottschall, M Solzi, AM Aliev, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 127 (23), 2020
Multifunctional Ni-Mn-Ga and Ni-Mn-Cu-Ga Heusler particles towards the nanoscale by ball-milling technique
G Cavazzini, F Cugini, D Delmonte, G Trevisi, L Nasi, S Ener, D Koch, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 872, 159747, 2021
Magnetocaloric properties at the austenitic Curie transition in Cu and Fe substituted Ni-Mn-In Heusler compounds
S Fabbrici, F Cugini, F Orlandi, NS Amadè, F Casoli, D Calestani, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 899, 163249, 2022
Direct measurement of the magnetocaloric effect on micrometric Ni-Mn-(In, Sn) ribbons by the mirage effect under pulsed magnetic field
F Cugini, D Orsi, E Brück, M Solzi
Applied Physics Letters 113 (23), 2018
Effective decoupling of ferromagnetic sublattices by frustration in Heusler alloys
F Cugini, S Chicco, F Orlandi, G Allodi, P Bonfá, V Vezzoni, ...
Physical Review B 105 (17), 174434, 2022
Scale-up of magnetocaloric NiCoMnIn Heuslers by powder metallurgy for room temperature magnetic refrigeration
F Puglielli, V Mussi, F Cugini, N Sarzi Amadè, M Solzi, C Bennati, ...
Frontiers in Energy Research 7, 150, 2020
Adiabatic temperature change, magnetic entropy change and critical behavior near the ferromagnetic–paramagnetic phase transition in La0. 7 (Ca, Sr) 0.3 MnO3 perovskite
K Riahi, I Messaoui, A Ezaami, F Cugini, M Solzi, ...
Phase Transitions 91 (7), 691-702, 2018
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