Effect of classroom acoustics on the speech intelligibility of students ATV Rabelo, JN Santos, RC Oliveira, MC Magalhães CoDAS 26 (5), 360-366, 2014 | 47 | 2014 |
The effects of amplification on vocal dose in teachers with dysphonia JP Assad, ACC Gama, JN Santos, M de Castro Magalhães Journal of Voice 33 (1), 73-79, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |
The influence of noise on the vocal dose in women ATV Rabelo, JN Santos, BO Souza, ACC Gama, M de Castro Magalhães Journal of Voice 33 (2), 214-219, 2019 | 24 | 2019 |
The impact of noise exposure on workers in Mobile Support Units RC Oliveira, JN Santos, ATV Rabelo, MC Magalhães CoDAS 27, 215-222, 2015 | 21 | 2015 |
O impacto do ruído em trabalhadores de Unidades de Suporte Móveis RC Oliveira, JN Santos, ATV Rabelo, MC Magalhães CoDAS 27, 215-222, 2015 | 16 | 2015 |
Vocal dose in teachers: correlation with dysphonia ACC Gama, JN Santos, EFP Pedra, ATV Rabelo, MC Magalhães, ... CoDAS 28, 190-192, 2016 | 15 | 2016 |
Efeito das características acústicas de salas de aula na inteligibilidade de fala dos estudantes ATV Rabelo, JN Santos, RC Oliveira, MC Magalhães CoDAS 26, 360-366, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Vocal dose: an integrative literature review JP Assad, MC Magalhães, JN Santos, ACC Gama Revista CEFAC 19, 429-438, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
A mass-spring model of the auditory system in otosclerosis LB Fragoso, MC Magalhães, EB Las Casas, JN Santos, ATV Rabelo, ... Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica 30, 281-288, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
Dose vocal em professores: correlação com a presença de disfonia ACC Gama, JN Santos, EFP Pedra, ATV Rabelo, MC Magalhães, ... CoDAS 28, 190-192, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Improved active noise control algorithm based on the convex combination method FB Felix, M de Castro Magalhaes, G de Souza Papini Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 43, 1-12, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Dose Vocal: uma revisão integrativa da literatura JP Assad, MC Magalhães, JN Santos, ACC Gama Revista CEFAC 19, 429-438, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Exposição ao ruído ocupacional pelos tripulantes de ambulâncias RC Oliveira, TCA Silva, MC Magalhães, JN Santos Revista CEFAC 17, 847-853, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
The influence of noise on verbal auditory temporal ordering ability ACF Guimarães, JN Santos, ATV Rabelo, MC Magalhães Revista CEFAC 17, 209-215, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
An improved Anc algorithm for the attenuation of industrial fan noise FB Félix, M de Castro Magalhães, G de Souza Papini Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 9, 279-289, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Análise das medidas eletroglotográficas da voz: padrões de normalidade para cantores por meio do programa CSL da Kay Pentax® ACS Alves, ACC Gama, MC Magalhães, PFL Genilhú, RC Oliveira CoDAS 32 (5), e2019022, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Occupational exposure to noise by ambulance crew RC Oliveira, TCA Silva, MC Magalhães, JN Santos Revista CEFAC 17, 847-853, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
A Influência do ruído na habilidade auditiva de ordenação temporal para sons verbais ACF Guimarães, JN Santos, ATV Rabelo, MC Magalhães Revista CEFAC 17 (1), 209-215, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
Electroglotographic voice measurement analysis: normality standards for singers through Kay Pentax® CSL Program ACS Alves, ACC Gama, MC Magalhães, PFL Genilhú, RC Oliveira CoDAS 32, e2019022, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Sound Power Radiation Sensitivity and Variability Using a'Hybrid' Numerical Model M de Castro Magalhaes Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences(CMES) 89 (4), 263-281, 2012 | 2 | 2012 |