Introdução à engenharia ambiental: o desafio do desenvolvimento sustentável BPF Braga Jr, I Hespanhol, JG Lotufo Conejo, JC Mierzwa, MTL Barros, ... | 2337 | 2021 |
Improving policies and instruments to address cumulative impacts of small hydropower in the Amazon S Athayde, CG Duarte, ALCF Gallardo, EM Moretto, LA Sangoi, APA Dibo, ... Energy Policy 132, 265-271, 2019 | 90 | 2019 |
Capturing the implications of land use change in Brazil through environmental assessment: Time for a strategic approach? ALCF Gallardo, A Bond Environmental Impact Assessment Review 31 (3), 261-270, 2011 | 83 | 2011 |
On the successful implementation of mitigation measures LE Sánchez, ALCF Gallardo Impact assessment and project appraisal 23 (3), 182-190, 2005 | 76 | 2005 |
Advancing scoping practice in environmental impact assessment: an examination of the Brazilian federal system R Borioni, ALCF Gallardo, LE Sánchez Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 35 (3), 200-213, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
Understanding land use change impacts on ecosystem services within urban protected areas ML Petroni, J Siqueira-Gay, ALCF Gallardo Landscape and Urban Planning 223, 104404, 2022 | 68 | 2022 |
Follow-up of a road building scheme in a fragile environment ALCF Gallardo, LE Sánchez Environmental impact assessment review 24 (1), 47-58, 2004 | 65 | 2004 |
The far-reaching dangers of rolling back environmental licensing and impact assessment legislation in Brazil S Athayde, A Fonseca, SMVG Araújo, ALCF Gallardo, EM Moretto, ... Environmental Impact Assessment Review 94, 106742, 2022 | 43 | 2022 |
Identifying the missing link between climate change policies and sectoral/regional planning supported by Strategic Environmental Assessment in emergent economies: lessons from … V do Nascimento Nadruz, ALCF Gallardo, M Montano, HR Ramos, ... Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 88, 46-53, 2018 | 37 | 2018 |
Strategic environmental assessment for planning sugarcane expansion: a framework proposal ALCF GALLARDO, CG DUARTE, ANAPA DIBO Ambiente & Sociedade 19 (2), 67-92, 2016 | 36 | 2016 |
Towards strengthening sustainability instruments in the Brazilian sugarcane ethanol sector DWF Sozinho, ALCF Gallardo, CG Duarte, HR Ramos, MS Ruiz Journal of Cleaner Production 182, 437-454, 2018 | 33 | 2018 |
A avaliação de impactos cumulativos no planejamento ambiental de hidrelétricas na bacia do rio Teles Pires (região amazônica) A Gallardo, JC da SILVA, GL Gaudereto, DWF Sozinho Desenvolvimento e Meio ambiente 43 (Edição Especial), 22-47, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |
Aspectos ambientais do setor da construção civil: uma contribuição para a adoção de sistema de gestão ambiental pelas pequenas e médias empresas de prestação de serviços NRG Vechi, ALCF Gallardo, CE Teixeira Sistemas & Gestão 11 (1), 17-30, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Improving effectiveness of mitigation measures in EIA follow-up: The case of a highway construction in Brazil ALCF Gallardo, CP Cavalhieri, SJAM Campos, OY Bitar Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 26 (4), 518-537, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
Conflitos socioambientais em unidades de conservação em áreas urbanas: o caso do Parque Tizo em São Paulo PA Arce, CJS Pendloski, RB Oliveira, ALCF Gallardo, MS Ruiz Holos 1, 75-85, 2014 | 27 | 2014 |
Investigating the effectiveness of environmental assessment of land use change: A comparative study of the approaches taken to perennial biomass crop planting in São Paulo and … ALCF Gallardo, A Bond Biomass and bioenergy 35 (5), 2285-2297, 2011 | 27 | 2011 |
Linking environmental assessment and management of highway construction in Southeastern Brazil ALCF Gallardo, A de Oliveira e Aguiar, LE Sánchez Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 18 (01), 1650002, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
Análise das práticas de gestão ambiental da construção da pista descendente da Rodovia dos Imigrantes. ALCF Gallardo Universidade de São Paulo, 2004 | 22 | 2004 |
Integrating socio-environmental spatial information to support housing plans J Siqueira-Gay, ALCF Gallardo, M Giannotti Cities 91, 106-115, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |